komenda cpio użycie cpio co to jest
Jak użyć CPIO? Definicja w konsoli location on the local machine. Each of the three flags -i , -o.
Znaczenie komenda cpio użycie cpio definicja.

Czy przydatne?

Komenda/polecenie: Jak użyć cpio

Uruchomienie, wykonanie: cpio flags [options]

Jak działa CPIO, co robi CPIO: Copy file archives from or to tape or disk, or to another location on the local machine. Each of the three flags -i, -o, or -p accepts different options

Dostępne opcje, wywołanie CPIO: -0, --null

Expect list of filenames to be terminated with null, not newline. This allows files with a newline in their names to be included.

-a, --reset-access-time

Reset access times of input files after reading them.

-A, --append

Append files to an existing archive, which must be a disk file. Specify this archive with -O or -F.

-b, --swap

Swap bytes and half-words to convert between big-endian and little-endian 32-bit integers.


Block input or output using 5120 bytes per record (default is 512 bytes per record).


Set input or output block size to size × 512 bytes.


Read or write header information as ASCII characters; useful when source and destination machines are different types.

-C n, --io-size=n

Like -B, but block size can be any positive integer n.

-d, --make-directories

Create directories as needed.

-E file, --pattern-file=file

Extract from the archives filenames that match patterns in file.

-f, --nonmatching

Reverse the sense of copying; copy all files except those that match patterns.

-F file, --file=file

Use file as the archive, not stdin or stdout. file can reside on another machine, if given in the form user@hostname:file (where user@ is optional).


Assume that file (provided by -F, -I, or -O) is a local file, even if it contains a colon (:) indicating a remote file.

-H type, --format=type

Use type format. Default for copy-out is bin; default for copy-in is autodetection of the format. Valid formats (all caps also accepted) are:




Old (POSIX.1) portable format.


New (SVR4) portable format.


New (SVR4) portable format with checksum added.




POSIX.1 tar (also recognizes GNU tar archives).


HP-UX's binary (obsolete).


HP-UX's portable format.

-I file

Read file as an input archive. May be on a remote machine (see -F).


Ignored. For backward compatibility.

-l, --link

Link files instead of copying.

-L, --dereference

Follow symbolic links.

-m, --preserve-modification-time

Retain previous file modification time.

-M msg, --message=msg

Print msg when switching media, as a prompt before switching to new media. Use variable %d in the message as a numeric ID for the next medium. -M is valid only with -I or -O.

-n, --numeric-uid-gid

When verbosely listing contents, show user ID and group ID numerically.


Create all copied-in files relative to the current directory.


Make all copied files owned by yourself, instead of the owner of the original. Can be used only if you are a privileged user.

-O file

Archive the output to file, which may be a file on another machine (see -F).


For a CRC-format archive, verify the CRC of each file; don't actually copy the files in.


Don't print the number of blocks copied.


Rename files interactively.

-R [user] [:group] , --owner [user] [:group]

Reassign file ownership and group information to the user's login ID (privileged users only).

-s, --swap-bytes

Swap bytes of each two-byte half-word.

-S, --swap-half-words

Swap half-words of each four-byte word.


For copy-out and copy-pass, write files that have large blocks of zeros as sparse files.

-t, --list

Print a table of contents of the input (create no files). When used with the -v option, resembles output of ls -l.

-u, --unconditional

Unconditional copy; old files can overwrite new ones.

-v, --verbose

Print a list of filenames processed.

-V, --dot

Print a dot for each file read or written (this shows cpio at work without cluttering the screen).


Print version number and then exit.

Co znaczy :
Definicja See gcc co znaczy.
Co znaczy :
Definicja information that is stored in /etc/passwd and displayed to the finger query. Without options , chfn enters interactive mode and prompts for changes. To make a field blank, enter the keyword none krzyżówka.
Co znaczy :
Definicja attributes. Specific to Linux Second and Third Extended Filesystem (ext2 and ext3). Behaves similarly to symbolic chmod , using + , - , and = . mode is in the form opcode attribute . See also lsattr co to jest.
Co znaczy :
Definicja specified C++ or Java function name symbol , or read and decode symbols from standard input if no symbol is given. This command reverses the name mangling used by C++ and Java compilers to support słownik.
Co znaczy :
Definicja Change the group of one or more files to newgroup . newgroup is either a group ID number or a group name located in /etc/group . Only the owner of a file or a privileged user may change the group czym jest.

Użycie CPIO zastosowanie komendy na linii poleceńw Słownik C .

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