komenda metasend użycie co to jest
Jak użyć METASEND? Definicja w konsoli email using MIME typing metadata. If no arguments are.
Znaczenie komenda metasend użycie definicja.

Czy przydatne?

Komenda/polecenie: Jak użyć metasend

Uruchomienie, wykonanie: metasend [options] [filename]

Jak działa METASEND, co robi METASEND: A largely developer-oriented interface for sending nontext email using MIME typing metadata. If no arguments are specified, metasend prompts the user for the information it needs. See mailto for a possible alternative with a friendlier interface

Dostępne opcje, wywołanie METASEND: -/ subtype

Specify the MIME multipart subtype other than mixed.


Batch mode. All information must be provided on the command line.

-c cc

Specify any CC addresses.

-D string

Specify a string to be used as the Content-description value.

-e encoding

Specify the encoding to use. Possible values are base64, quoted-printable, 7bit (no encoding is done), or x-uue.


The file to be included is already MIME-encoded and doesn't need any Content- or other header fields added.

-f file

The file to be included. If more than one file is specified with separate -f options (see -n), they are combined into a single multipart MIME object.

-F from

The From address.

-i content-id

The content ID value for the MIME entity. Must be a valid content ID enclosed in angle brackets (<>).

-I content-id

The content ID value for a multipart entity being created by metasend. Must be a valid content ID enclosed in angle brackets (<>).

-m type

The MIME content type.


Specify that an additional file is to be included. Must appear after one occurrence of at least -m, -c, and -f, and must be specified for each included file.

-o outfile

Send the output to the specified file instead of delivering as mail.

-P preamblefile

Specify a file containing alternative text for the preamble portion of a multipart MIME message.

-s subject

The Subject field.

-S splitsize

Specify the maximum size before the file is split into parts to be sent separately.

-t to

The To field.


Delete temporary files even if the send fails.

Co znaczy :
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Definicja Label an MS-DOS filesystem (maximum of 11 characters), first displaying the current label if there is one. See mtools for more information. If no label is specified, prompt the user for one krzyżówka.
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Definicja Change the ability of other users to send write messages to your terminal. With no options, display the permission status co to jest.
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Definicja MS-DOS file or directory within a single filesystem. If no drive letter is specified for the target file or directory, the source drive is assumed. If no drive letter is specified for either the słownik.
Co znaczy :
Definicja administration command. Create database maps for use by sendmail in keyed map lookups. makemap will read from standard input and create a database file of type type with filename name .db . If the czym jest.

Użycie METASEND zastosowanie komendy na linii poleceńw Słownik M .

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