komenda mkdosfs użycie co to jest
Jak użyć MKDOSFS? Definicja w konsoli filesystem. You may specify the number of blocks on the.
Znaczenie komenda mkdosfs użycie definicja.

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Komenda/polecenie: Jak użyć mkdosfs

Uruchomienie, wykonanie: mkdosfs [options] device [blocks] mkfs.msdos [options] device [blocks]

Jak działa MKDOSFS, co robi MKDOSFS: System administration command. Format device as an MS-DOS filesystem. You may specify the number of blocks on the device or allow mkdosfs to guess

Dostępne opcje, wywołanie MKDOSFS: -A

Create an Atari MS-DOS filesystem.

-b backup-sector

Specify sector for backup boot sector. The default value depends on the number of reserved sectors, but is usually sector 6.


Scan device for bad blocks before execution.


Create and format a file suitable for use on a floppy disk. The device given on the command line should be a filename, and the number of blocks must also be specified.

-f n

Specify number of File Allocation Tables (FATs) to create (either 1 or 2).

-F fat-size

Create File Allocation Tables (FATs) of size fat-size. By default this will be between 12 and 16 bits. Set to 32 to create a FAT32 filesystem.

-i volume-id

Use the specified 32-bit hexadecimal volume-id instead of calculating a number based on the time of creation.


Force installation to a device without partitions. This is useful when formating magneto-optical disks.

-l file

Read list of bad blocks from file.

-m message-file

Set the message to be used when the filesystem is booted without an installed operating system to the contents of the file message-file. The message may be up to 418 bytes in size. If filename is a hyphen, read text from standard input.

-n label

Set volume name for filesystem to label. The volume name may be up to 11 characters long.

-r maximum-entries

Set the maximum-entries allowed in the root directory. The default is 112 or 224 for floppies, and 512 for hard disks.

-R reserved-sectors

Create the specified number of reserved-sectors. The default depends on the size of the File Allocation Table (FAT). For 32-bit FAT, the default is 32; for all other sizes, the default is 1.

-s sectors

Set the number of disk sectors per cluster. The number must be a power of 2.

-S sector-size

Create logical sectors of sector-size bytes. Size must be a power of 2 and at least 512 bytes.


Print verbose information about progress.

Co znaczy :
Definicja Make one or more named pipes (FIFOs) with the specified names co znaczy.
Co znaczy :
Definicja tape drive used to back up or restore system data. The version of the mt command documented here is mt-st , which includes support for the st driver for SCSI tape devices. The operation argument krzyżówka.
Co znaczy :
Definicja file (a file that can send or receive data). Special files can be character files (read one character at a time), block files (read several characters at a time), or FIFO pipes (see mkfifo ). To co to jest.
Co znaczy :
Definicja players, often used as backends for GUI music players. The files played may be local files or URLs. mpg321 and mpg123 behave the same way, except that mpg123 lacks the option --skip-printing-frames słownik.
Co znaczy :
Definicja Copy files between Unix and MS-DOS format partitions. See cp and mtools for more information. Multiple source files can be specified and written to a target directory czym jest.

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