komenda poweroff użycie co to jest
Jak użyć POWEROFF? Definicja w konsoli down the system, and power off. Because this command.
Znaczenie komenda poweroff użycie definicja.

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Komenda/polecenie: Jak użyć poweroff

Uruchomienie, wykonanie: poweroff [options]

Jak działa POWEROFF, co robi POWEROFF: System administration command. Close out filesystems, shut down the system, and power off. Because this command immediately stops all processes, it should be run only in single-user mode. If the system is not in runlevel 0 or 6, poweroff calls shutdown -h, then performs a poweroff

Dostępne opcje, wywołanie POWEROFF: -d

Suppress writing to /var/log/wtmp.


Call reboot or halt and not shutdown, even when shutdown would normally be called. This option is used to force a hard halt or reboot.


Place hard drives in standby mode before halt or poweroff.


Shut down network interfaces before reboot.


Suppress normal call to sync.


Suppress normal execution; simply write to /var/log/wtmp.

Co znaczy :
Definicja administration command. Confirm that a remote host is online and responding. ping is intended for use in network testing, measurement, and management. Because of the load it can impose on the network co znaczy.
Co znaczy :
Definicja Print the full pathname of the current working directory. See also the dirs shell command built into bash krzyżówka.
Co znaczy :
Definicja the specified formats . formats can be ordinary text characters, C-language escape characters, C format specifications ending with one of the letters diouxXfeEgGcs or, more commonly, a set of co to jest.
Co znaczy :
Definicja Display the memory maps of a process słownik.
Co znaczy :
Definicja processing language that combines many of the most useful features of shell programs, C, awk , and sed , as well as adding extended features of its own. For more information, see Learning Perl and czym jest.

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