komenda restore użycie co to jest
Jak użyć RESTORE? Definicja w konsoli a dump archive. Execute this command with one of the.
Znaczenie komenda restore użycie definicja.

Czy przydatne?

Komenda/polecenie: Jak użyć restore

Uruchomienie, wykonanie: restore flag [options] [files]

Jak działa RESTORE, co robi RESTORE: System administration command. Restore backed up files from a dump archive. Execute this command with one of the following flags

Dostępne opcje, wywołanie RESTORE: -a

Read all volumes to find the files to extract, beginning with volume 1. This will skip any volume prompts.

-A file

Read the table of contents from the specified archive file.


Specify the block size in kilobytes used for a block in the archive. Restore can usually determine this when reading the dump media.


Read dumps made prior to Version 4.4.


Print debugging information.

-D filesystem

When using the -C flag, compare the dump to files on the specified filesystem.

-f file

Read the backup from the specified file: a device file, an ordinary file, or - to read from standard input. Use host:file or user@host:file to read from a networked host using either the rmt program or the program specified by the RMT environment variable.

-F script

Run the specified script at the beginning of each volume. restore will pass the current device and volume number to the script. The script should return 0 to continue, 1 to prompt for a new tape, or any other exit value to abort the restore. The script will run with the process's real user and group ID.


Do not recursively restore directory. Only restore the specified directory.


Use Kerberos authentication when connecting to a remote server.


Treat file as a regular file instead of a tape device. Use this option when restoring from remote compressed files.

-L n

Used with the -C flag. Abort the comparison after encountering n errors.


Expect filenames to be given as inodes.


Restore from a multivolume backup. Treat any filename provided with -f as a prefix.


Perform all actions indicated by other flags and options, but don't write anything to the disk.


Automatically set ownership and mode of the current directory to match the original base directory of the dump.

-Q file

Read tape positions from the specified Quick File Access mode file.

-S n

Read from volume n of a multifile backup.


Unlink (remove) any existing files before writing a file with the same name.


Verbose mode. Print information about files being restored.


Enable multivolume mode for devices other than tapes.

-X file

Read list of files and directories to extract from the specified file. Use - to retrieve list of files from standard input.


Attempt to skip over errors without prompting for operator input.

Co znaczy :
Definicja remote host, or, if no command is specified, begin an interactive shell on the remote host using rlogin . The options can be specified before or after host . Use of rsh has generally been replaced co znaczy.
Co znaczy :
Definicja terminal). If terminal is specified on the command line, the value is used as the terminal type. reset is a symbolic link to the tset command. Invoking the command as reset is useful for clearing krzyżówka.
Co znaczy :
Definicja administration command. If invoked with no arguments, show the current root filesystem in /etc/mtab syntax. Otherwise, change the values in the kernel image that specify the RAM disk size (by default co to jest.
Co znaczy :
Definicja administration command. Remote file distribution client program . rdist maintains identical copies of files over multiple hosts. It reads commands from a file named distfile to direct the updating of słownik.
Co znaczy :
Definicja Server for the rlogin program, providing a remote login facility, with authentication based on privileged port numbers from trusted hosts. rlogind is invoked by inetd when a remote login connection czym jest.

Użycie RESTORE zastosowanie komendy na linii poleceńw Słownik R .

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