komenda yppasswdd użycie co to jest
Jak użyć YPPASSWDD? Definicja w konsoli yppasswdd handles password-change requests from yppasswd.
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Komenda/polecenie: Jak użyć yppasswdd

Uruchomienie, wykonanie: rpc.yppasswdd [options]

Jak działa YPPASSWDD, co robi YPPASSWDD: NFS/NIS command. Server for modifying the NIS password file. yppasswdd handles password-change requests from yppasswd. It changes a password entry only if the password represented by yppasswd matches the encrypted password of that entry and if the user ID and group ID match those in the server's /etc/passwd file. Then it updates /etc/passwd and the password maps on the local server. If the server was compiled with the CHECKROOT=1 option, the password is also checked against the root password

Dostępne opcje, wywołanie YPPASSWDD: -D dir

Specify a directory that contains the passwd and shadow files for rpc.yppasswdd to use instead of /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow. Useful to prevent all users in the NIS database from automatically gaining access to the NIS server.

-e chsh|chfn]

Permit users to change the shell or user information in the GECOS field of their passwd entry. By default, rpc.yppasswdd does not permit users to change these fields.

-E program

Specify a program to edit the passwd and shadow files instead of rpc.yppasswdd. The program should return 0 for successful completion; 1 for successful completion, but the pwupdate program should not be run to update the NIS server's maps; and anything else if the change failed.

-p pwfile

Specify an alternative passwd file to /etc/passwd, to prevent all users in the NIS database from automatically gaining access to the NIS server.

--port num

Specify a port that rpc.yppasswdd will try to register itself, allowing a router to filter packets to the NIS ports.

-s shadowfile

Use shadowfile instead of /etc/passwd for shadow password support.


Print version information and whether the package was compiled with CHECKROOT.

-x program

Modify files using the specified program instead of using internal default functions. rpc.yppasswdd passes information to program in the following format:

username o:oldpassword p:password s:shell g:gcos

Any of the fields p, s, or g may be missing.

Co znaczy :
Definicja NFS/NIS command. Check configuration of NIS services by calling various NIS functions. Without arguments, yptest queries the NIS server for the local machine co znaczy.
Co znaczy :
Definicja NFS/NIS command. Build and install an NIS database on an NIS server. ypinit can be used to set up a master server, slave server, or slave copier. Only a privileged user can run ypinit krzyżówka.
Co znaczy :
Definicja NFS/NIS command. Print values in an NIS database specified by map name or nickname co to jest.
Co znaczy :
Definicja NFS/NIS command. Print value of one or more key s from an NIS map specified by mname . mname may be either a map name or a map nickname słownik.
Co znaczy :
Definicja Return hostname of NIS server or map master. Without arguments, ypwhich cites the NIS server for the local machine. If host is specified, that machine is queried to find out which NIS master it is czym jest.

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