komenda automake użycie co to jest
Jak użyć AUTOMAKE? Definicja w konsoli in files from Makefile.am template files and can be used to.
Znaczenie komenda automake użycie definicja.

Czy przydatne?

Komenda/polecenie: Jak użyć automake

Uruchomienie, wykonanie: automake [options] [template_file]

Jak działa AUTOMAKE, co robi AUTOMAKE: GNU automake tool. Create GNU standards-compliant Makefile.in files from Makefile.am template files and can be used to ensure that projects contain all the files and install options required to be standards-compliant. Note that Versions 1.4 and 1.6 differ enough that many distributions include an automake14 package for backward compatibility

Dostępne opcje, wywołanie AUTOMAKE: -a, --add-missing

Add any missing files that automake requires to the directory by creating symbolic links to automake's default versions.

-c, --copy

Used with the -a option. Copy missing files instead of creating symbolic links.


Specifies project has a Cygnus-style source tree.

-f, --force-missing

Used with the -a option. Replace required files even if a local copy already exists.


Treat project as a non-GNU project. Check only for elements required for proper operation.


Treat project as a GNU project with the GNU project structure.


A stricter version of --gnu, performing more checks to comply with GNU project structure rules.


Print help message, then exit.

-i, --ignore-deps

Disable automatic dependency tracking.


Used with the -a option. Search in directory dir for default files.


Update only Makefile.in files that have updated dependents.

-v, --verbose

List files being read or created by automake.


Print version number, then exit.


Treat warnings as errors.

Co znaczy :
Definicja Place m4 macro definitions needed by autoconf into a single file. The aclocal command first scans for macro definitions in m4 files in its default directory (/usr/share/aclocal on some systems) and co znaczy.
Co znaczy :
Definicja Advanced Power Management hardware information, such as battery life, or send the system into standby or suspend-to-disk mode. Used on older systems, and replaced by acpi and related commands. -V krzyżówka.
Co znaczy :
Definicja file is available for the action specified with the mode argument: r for read, w for write, x for execute. Used mostly in scripting, access works better than test because it uses a direct system call co to jest.
Co znaczy :
Definicja recording as an email from a properly equipped workstation (Sun and Sony, with microphones). After prompting for address, subject, and Cc: fields, the program asks the user to record a message, then słownik.
Co znaczy :
Definicja mixer . For an ncurses interface, use alsamixer . amixer displays or changes the current mixer settings for the current sound card and sound device. To display all mixer settings, use with no flags czym jest.

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