komenda użycie zastosowanie co to jest
Jak użyć CP? Definicja w konsoli names under directory . If the destination is an existing file.
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Komenda/polecenie: Jak użyć cp

Uruchomienie, wykonanie: cp [options] file1 file2 cp [options] files directory

Jak działa CP, co robi CP: Copy file1 to file2, or copy one or more files to the same names under directory. If the destination is an existing file, the file is overwritten; if the destination is an existing directory, the file is copied into the directory (the directory is not overwritten)

Dostępne opcje, wywołanie CP: -a, --archive

Preserve attributes of original files where possible. The same as -dpr.

-b, --backup

Back up files that would otherwise be overwritten.

-d, --no-dereference

Do not dereference symbolic links; preserve hard-link relationships between source and copy.

-f, --force

Remove existing files in the destination.

-i, --interactive

Prompt before overwriting destination files. On most systems, this flag is turned off by default except for the root user, who is normally prompted before overwriting files.

-l, --link

Make hard links, not copies, of nondirectories.

-p, --preserve

Preserve all information, including owner, group, permissions, and timestamps.

-P, --parents

Preserve intermediate directories in source. The last argument must be the name of an existing directory. For example, the command:

cp --parents jphekman/book/ch1 newdir

copies the file jphekman/book/ch1 to the file newdir/jphekman/book/ch1, creating intermediate directories as necessary.

-r, -R, --recursive

Copy directories recursively.

-S backup-suffix, --suffix=backup-suffix

Set suffix to be appended to backup files. This may also be set with the SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX environment variable. The default is ~. You need to explicitly include a period if you want one before the suffix (for example, specify .bak, not bak).

-s, --symbolic-link

Make symbolic links instead of copying. Source filenames must be absolute.


Handle files that have "holes" (are defined as a certain size but have less data). always creates a sparse file, auto creates one if the input file is sparse, and never creates a non-sparse file without holes.

-u, --update

Do not copy a file to an existing destination with the same or newer modification time.

-v, --verbose

Before copying, print the name of each file.

-V type, --version-control=type

Set the type of backups made. You may also use the VERSION_CONTROL environment variable. The default is existing. Valid arguments are:

t, numbered

Always make numbered backups.

nil, existing

Make numbered backups of files that already have them; otherwise, make simple backups.

never, simple

Always make simple backups.

-x, --one-file-system

Ignore subdirectories on other filesystems.

Co znaczy :
Porównanie Set or retrieve the real-time scheduling properties of a given process, or run a new process with the given real-time scheduling properties co znaczy.
Krzyżówka :
Dlaczego Versions System) is a version-control system. Like earlier version-control systems such as RCS, CVS tracks versions, permits the storage and retrieval of earlier versions, and allows tracking of the krzyżówka.
Co to jest :
Jak lepiej administration command. Partition a hard disk using a full-screen display. Normally, device will be /dev/hda , /dev/hdb , /dev/sda , /dev/sdb , /dev/hdc , /dev/hdd , and so on; the default is the co to jest.
Słownik :
Kiedy Change information about user password expirations. If run without any option flags, chage will prompt for values to be entered; you may also use option flags to change or view information słownik.
Czym jest :
Od czego zależy Copy file archives from or to tape or disk, or to another location on the local machine. Each of the three flags -i , -o , or -p accepts different options czym jest.

Użycie CP zastosowanie komendy na linii poleceńw Słownik C .

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