komenda ftpd użycie ftpd co to jest
Jak użyć FTPD? Definicja w konsoli server uses the TCP protocol and listens at the port specified.
Znaczenie komenda ftpd użycie ftpd definicja.

Czy przydatne?

Komenda/polecenie: Jak użyć ftpd

Uruchomienie, wykonanie: in.ftpd [options]

Jak działa FTPD, co robi FTPD: TCP/IP command. Internet File Transfer Protocol server. The server uses the TCP protocol and listens at the port specified in the ftp service specification. ftpd is usually started by xinetd and must have an entry in xinetd's configuration file, /etc/xinetd.conf. It can also be run in standalone mode using the -p option. There are several FTP daemons available. On many Linux distributions, the default is the Kerberos-supporting DARPA version, which we document here

Dostępne opcje, wywołanie FTPD: -a

Require authentication via ftp AUTH. Allow anonymous users as well, if configured to do so.


Require authentication via ftp AUTH, but allow only users who are authorized to connect without a password. Allow anonymous users as well, if configured to do so.


Require local credentials for non-anonymous users. Prompt for a password unless the user forwards credentials during authentication.

-d, -v

Write debugging information to syslogd.


Log each FTP session in syslogd.

-p port

Use port as the FTP control port instead of reading the appropriate port from /etc/services. This option will launch ftpd in standalone mode.


Use PID files to record the process IDs of running daemons. This is the default. These files are needed to determine the current number of users.

-r file

Read Kerberos configuration from file instead of /etc/krb5.conf.

-s file

Read Kerberos V4 authentication information from file instead of /etc/srvtab.

-t n

Set default inactivity timeout period to n seconds. (The default is 15 minutes.)

-T n

Allow ftp clients to request a different timeout period of up to n seconds. (The default is 2 hours.)

-u umask

Set the default umask to umask.

-U file

Read the list of users denied remote access from file instead of /etc/ftpusers.

-w format

Specify the format for the remote hostname passed to login. Use one of the following formats:


Pass the IP address.

n[,[no] striplocal]

Pass hostnames less than n characters in length, and IP addresses for longer hostsnames. Set n to 0 to use the system default. The striplocal portion of the option determines whether or not to strip local domains from hostnames. The default is to strip them.

Co znaczy :
Definicja fontconfig system. Lists available fonts and font styles. The first argument will limit listed fonts to those matching the pattern, and the second displays the listed font attribute or element. To co znaczy.
Co znaczy :
Definicja input into mailbox format. Useful for splitting mail digests or passing the contents of a mail file to another program, such as a spam filter, for additional processing. If no sender is apparent krzyżówka.
Co znaczy :
Definicja Classify the named files according to the type of data they contain. file checks the magic file (usually /usr/share/magic ) to identify some file types co to jest.
Co znaczy :
Definicja specified width by filling lines and removing newlines. Concatenate files on the command line, or read text from standard input if - (or no file) is specified. By default, preserve blank lines słownik.
Co znaczy :
Definicja outputs the process IDs of processes that are using the files or local filesystems . Each process ID is followed by a letter code: c if process is using file as the current directory; e if executable czym jest.

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