Uruchomienie, wykonanie: rpc.nfsd [option] n
Jak działa NFSD, co robi NFSD: System administration command. Launch n kernel threads for the Network File System (NFS) kernel module. The threads will handle client filesystem requests. By default, only one thread is launched. Most systems require eight or more, depending on the number of NFS clients using the system. Use nfsstat to check NFS performance
Dostępne opcje, wywołanie NFSD:
- Co znaczy :
- Porównanie command with its optional command arguments , continuing to run it even after you log out (make command immune to hangups—i.e., no h angup ). Terminal output is appended to the file nohup.out by co znaczy.
- Krzyżówka :
- Dlaczego aliases database, /etc/aliases , after a change. Return 0 on success, or a number greater than 0 if there was an error. newaliases must be run whenever /etc/aliases has been changed for the change to krzyżówka.
- Co to jest :
- Jak lepiej Show network status. Print information on active sockets, routing tables, interfaces, masquerade connections, or multicast memberships. By default, netstat lists open sockets. When a delay is co to jest.
- Słownik :
- Kiedy administration command. Create or update system users from entries in file . Each line in file has the same format as an entry in /etc/passwd , except that passwords are unencrypted and group IDs can słownik.
- Czym jest :
- Od czego zależy until a terminal point is found (e.g., a file, directory, char device, etc.). If namei finds a symbolic link, it shows the link and starts following it, indenting the output to show the context czym jest.
Użycie NFSD zastosowanie komendy na linii poleceńw Słownik N .