Uruchomienie, wykonanie: pinky [options] [users]
Jak działa PINKY, co robi PINKY: Print user information. A light-weight finger program that has both long and short formats. If no users are specified, prints information for all logged-on users
Dostępne opcje, wywołanie PINKY: In long format, omit the home directory and shell. In short format, omit column headings. In long format, omit the project file. Print help message and exit. In short format, omit the full name and remote host. Produce long-format output for the specified users. At least one user must be specified. In long format, omit the plan file. In short format, omit the full name, remote host, and idle time. Produce short format output; the default. Print version information and exit. In short format, omit the full name.
- Co znaczy :
- Porównanie administration command. Confirm that a remote host is online and responding. ping is intended for use in network testing, measurement, and management. Because of the load it can impose on the network co znaczy.
- Krzyżówka :
- Dlaczego administration command. Convert unshadowed entries in /etc/passwd into shadowed entries in /etc/shadow . Replace the encrypted password in /etc/password with an x. Shadowing passwords keeps them safe krzyżówka.
- Co to jest :
- Jak lepiej Display the process IDs of the listed program or programs. pidof is actually a symbolic link to killall5 co to jest.
- Słownik :
- Kiedy administration command. PPP stands for the Point-to-Point Protocol; it allows datagram transmission over a serial connection. pppd attempts to configure tty for PPP (searching in /dev ) or, by słownik.
- Czym jest :
- Od czego zależy the specified formats . formats can be ordinary text characters, C-language escape characters, C format specifications ending with one of the letters diouxXfeEgGcs or, more commonly, a set of czym jest.
Użycie PINKY zastosowanie komendy na linii poleceńw Słownik P .