komenda sendmail użycie co to jest
Jak użyć SENDMAIL? Definicja w konsoli agent (MTA) or, more simply, a mail router. It accepts mail.
Znaczenie komenda sendmail użycie definicja.

Czy przydatne?

Komenda/polecenie: Jak użyć sendmail

Uruchomienie, wykonanie: sendmail [flags] [address...]

Jak działa SENDMAIL, co robi SENDMAIL: System administration command. sendmail is a mail transfer agent (MTA) or, more simply, a mail router. It accepts mail from a user's mail program, interprets the mail address, rewrites the address into the proper form for the delivery program, and routes the mail to the correct delivery program

Dostępne opcje, wywołanie SENDMAIL:

Co znaczy :
Definicja Compute or check 160-bit SHA1 checksums to verify file integrity. If the file is not specified, or specified as - , read from standard input co znaczy.
Co znaczy :
Definicja the effective user ID user . If no user is specified, create a shell for a privileged user (i.e., become a superuser). Enter EOF to terminate. You can run the shell with particular options by krzyżówka.
Co znaczy :
Definicja Display or set Meta key handling for the current virtual terminal. With no option, print the current Meta key mode. Otherwise, set the mode and display the setting before and after the change co to jest.
Co znaczy :
Definicja Server for the ssh program, providing a secure remote-login and remote-execution facility equivalent to rlogin and rsh . Normally started at boot, sshd listens for incoming connections, forking a new słownik.
Co znaczy :
Definicja Display kernel slab cache information in real time. slabtop displays a listing of the top caches as sorted by a given sort criteria czym jest.

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