komenda shred użycie shred co to jest
Jak użyć SHRED? Definicja w konsoli Overwrite a file to make the contents unrecoverable, and delete.
Znaczenie komenda shred użycie shred definicja.

Czy przydatne?

Komenda/polecenie: Jak użyć shred

Uruchomienie, wykonanie: shred [options] files

Jak działa SHRED, co robi SHRED: Overwrite a file to make the contents unrecoverable, and delete the file afterward if requested

Dostępne opcje, wywołanie SHRED: -

Shred standard output.

-f, --force

Force permissions to allow writing to files.


Print help message and exit.

-nnum, --iterations=num

Overwrite files num times (default is 25).

-snum, --size=num

Shred num bytes. num can be expressed with suffixes (e.g., K, M, or G).

-u, --remove

Remove file after overwriting. shred does not remove the file unless this option is specified.

-v, --verbose

Verbose mode.


Print version information and exit.

-x, --exact

Shred the exact file size; do not round up to the next full block.

-z, --zero

On the final pass, overwrite with zeros to hide the shredding.

Co znaczy :
Porównanie shell and make a typescript of a terminal session. The typescript is written to file . If no file is given, the typescript is saved in the file typescript . The script ends when the forked shell co znaczy.
Krzyżówka :
Dlaczego Stream editor. Edit one or more files without user interaction. See Chapter 1 for more information krzyżówka.
Co to jest :
Jak lepiej System administration command. Execute the named command and optional command arguments in a new session co to jest.
Słownik :
Kiedy Remove symbols from object files , thereby reducing file sizes and freeing disk space słownik.
Czym jest :
Od czego zależy administration command. Terminate all processing. when may be a specific time (in hh :mm format), a number of minutes to wait (in + m format), or now . A broadcast message notifies all users to log czym jest.

Użycie SHRED zastosowanie komendy na linii poleceńw Słownik S .

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