komenda sudo użycie sudo co to jest
Jak użyć SUDO? Definicja w konsoli Authorized users of sudo and the commands they are permitted to.
Znaczenie komenda sudo użycie sudo definicja.

Czy przydatne?

Komenda/polecenie: Jak użyć sudo

Uruchomienie, wykonanie: sudo [options] [command]

Jak działa SUDO, co robi SUDO: If you are allowed, execute command as the superuser. Authorized users of sudo and the commands they are permitted to execute are listed in the sudo configuration file, /etc/sudoers. If an unauthorized user attempts to run a command, sudo will inform an administrator via email. By default, it will send the message to the root account. Users attempting to run commands are prompted for their password. Once authenticated, sudo sets a timestamp for the user. For five minutes from the timestamp, the user may execute further commands without being prompted for her password. This grace period may be overriden by settings in the /etc/sudoers file. Also see /etc/sudoers for configuration examples

Dostępne opcje, wywołanie SUDO: -b

Execute command in the background.


Print help message, then exit.


Revoke user's sudo permissions. Similar to -K, but changes user's timestamp to the Epoch instead of revoking it.


List all allowed and forbidden commands for the user on the current host, then exit.

-p promptstring

Use the specified promptstring to prompt for a password. The string may contain the following escape codes, which will be replaced with the current user's login name and local hostname.


Local hostname without the domain name.


Local hostname with the domain name.


Current user's login name


Login name of the user the command will run under. The default is root.


A single percent (%) character.


Run the shell specified in the SHELL environment variable, or the default shell specified in /etc/passwd. If a command is given, it should be a shell script and not a binary file.

-u user

Run command as the specified user instead of the root user. This may also be specified as a user ID number using #uid.


Update timestamp for user. Prompt for password if necessary.


Set the HOME environment variable to the home directory of the target user.


Remove user's timestamp.


List parameters that may be set as defaults for a user in the /etc/sudoers file.


Preserve initial user's group membership.


Read password from standard input instead of from the console.


Print version number, then exit. When run by the root user, print sudo's defaults and the local network address as well.


Stop reading command-line arguments.

Co znaczy :
Definicja administration command. Examine or modify kernel parameters at runtime using the /proc/sys filesystem. While many of these kernel keys can be altered by other utilities, sysctl provides a single co znaczy.
Co znaczy :
Definicja into a remote system and run commands on that system. The version of ssh described here is the OpenSSH client. ssh can use either Version 1 (SSH1) or Version 2 (SSH2) of the SSH protocol. SSH2 is krzyżówka.
Co znaczy :
Definicja database(s) of filenames and print matches. Works like locate , but it also stores file permissions and ownership information so users cannot see files to which they don't have access. In some co to jest.
Co znaczy :
Definicja Calculate and print a checksum and the number of (1 KB) blocks for file . If no files are specified, or file is -, read from standard input. Useful for verifying data transmission słownik.
Co znaczy :
Definicja identities to the authentication agent (see ssh-agent ), which must be running and must be an ancestor of the current process. ssh-add reads the files created by ssh-keygen for private keys. It reads czym jest.

Użycie SUDO zastosowanie komendy na linii poleceńw Słownik S .

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