A booking priority assigned if participation at a course is considered necessary for a participant.
Bookings with essential priority cannot be removed from the participant list when the course is in firmly booked status. Bookings with normal priority can be displaced.
Participants booked for a course when the optimum capacity has been reached are booked with essential priority up to maximum capacity.
When maximum capacity is reached, no more bookings are possible. Participants can be put on the waiting list of the course.
SAP przykład użycia ESSENTIAL-BOOKING-PE-LSO pomoc. Jak działa essential-booking-pe-lso kod programu ABAP. Wykorzystanie kodu Essential-Booking-Pe-Lso w programie funtion module SE37. Obsługa funkcji essential-booking-pe-lso
w klasie.
Słownik i definicje SAPa na E.