system billing external co to jest
ABAP definicja external billing system. Co znaczy part of the SAP System An external billing system.
Znaczenie system billing external definicja.

Czy przydatne?

Definicja external billing system


Settlement system that is not part of the SAP System

An external billing system can be integrated with Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable. The IDoc interface can be used to transfer invoice data from the external billing system to Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable. During this process, the system generates open items in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.

Note for SAP Telecommunications

When SAP Telecommunications is integrated with an external billing system, the external billing system manages service data and activation and blocking of services, in addition to performing settlement for services and transferring the settlement documents generated to SAP Telecommunications.

SAP przykład użycia EXTERNAL-BILLING-SYSTEM pomoc. Jak działa external-billing-system kod programu ABAP. Wykorzystanie kodu External-Billing-System w programie funtion module SE37. Obsługa funkcji external-billing-system w klasie.

Słownik i definicje SAPa na E.

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