Co znaczy X TABLE:
Table for assigning the SID of the characteristic to the SID of the navigation attribute for the characteristic (for time-independent masterdata).
This table contains the following fields:
The SID (master data ID) of the characteristic OBJEVERS (object version) The characteristic SID (master data ID)These two fields form the key.
The value of the super-ordinate characteristic The value of the master data-bearing characteristic itself CHANGED SIDs for time-independent attributesOBJEVERS and CHANGED also appear in the P table.
SAP przykład użycia X-TABLE pomoc. Jak działa x-table kod programu ABAP. Wykorzystanie kodu X-Table w programie funtion module SE37. Obsługa funkcji x-table
w klasie.
Słownik i definicje SAPa na X.