lt viewer co to jest
ABAP definicja XXL List Viewer (BC-CI). Co znaczy Microsoft Excel for display and processing of R/3.
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Definicja XXL List Viewer (BC-CI)


A tool used to configure Microsoft Excel for display and processing of R/3 application data.

The XXL List Viewer presents R/3 data in Excel, taking into account information supplied by R/3 on the structure of the data. The following functions are offered:

Sorting and restructuring of data Managing objects and views Graphical display of data

The XXL List Viewer makes available special functions in a separate menuand toolbar, and limits Excel functions to guarantee the consistency of data supplied by R/3.

SAP przykład użycia XXL-LIST-VIEWER-BC-CI pomoc. Jak działa xxl-list-viewer-bc-ci kod programu ABAP. Wykorzystanie kodu Xxl-List-Viewer-Bc-Ci w programie funtion module SE37. Obsługa funkcji xxl-list-viewer-bc-ci w klasie.

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