Lista pojęć związanych z SAP'em na U
SAP (Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing) to system informatyczny służący do zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem. SAP składa się z wielu różnych aplikacji i modułów, które umożliwiają zarządzanie różnymi obszarami działalności przedsiębiorstwa, takimi jak finanse, księgowość, samochodziarstwo, zasoby ludzkie czy logistyka.
- SAP Understock Co oznacza Situation in which the stock for a certain location product falls below a predefined minimum
- SAP Loan Unsecured Co oznacza The portion of a loan that is neither secured nor soundly collateralized
- SAP Standard Assessment Uniform Co oznacza Valid only in Germany
- SAP Buffer User Co oznacza Buffer from which the data of a user master record is loaded when a user logs on
- SAP Bw For Unifier Co oznacza An application running on top of the Unification Server, enabling access to SAP Business Information Warehouse (BW
- SAP Council Code Uniform Co oznacza The Numbering Organization in the USA to administer and manage the EAN/UCC system standards in the USA and Canada
- SAP UD Connect source object Co oznacza Multidimensional or relational data store in the UD Connect source, for example, table or cube
- SAP unifier for Oracle Applications Co oznacza A Unification Server application enabling enterprises to integrate Oracle Applications with other information sources
- SAP Underlying Co oznacza Financial product is used as the basic value of a derivative. For example, stocks are the underlying of an option on
- SAP Component Underlying Co oznacza Underlying components are typically not sold/licensed directly, but contribute to an Intellectual Property (IP) (e.g
- SAP user department (SV-ASA) Co oznacza The positions and departments in an enterprise that are involved in the provision of goods or services
- SAP Table Map Url Co oznacza SAP Web Dispatcher table. Contains a mapping of the part of the URL path that is input in the browser
- SAP Ucs Co oznacza Abbreviation for Universal Character Set. Standardized 4-byte character set corresponding to ISO-10646, which contains
- SAP Grid Ucte Co oznacza European interconnected power grid composed of high and ultra high voltage grids
- SAP Connect Ud Co oznacza Component of BI that, together with the SAP Web AS J2EE connectivity, allows you to access virtually all relational and
- SAP Source Connect Ud Co oznacza Instance that can be addressed as a data source of BI using BI Java Connectors
- SAP List Ufo Co oznacza Unfound objects (UFOs) are URLs that the ICM server cache does not recognize or regards as invalid. UFOs are stored in
- SAP Command Ui Co oznacza An action that can be triggered on the user interface and is implemented in Java as a single class that encapsulates
- SAP Component Ui Co oznacza In Visual Composer, a model element that appears in runtime as part of the iView
- SAP Tree Element Ui Co oznacza A representation of the UI elements hierarchy at runtime. The UI element tree can be modeled in the View Designer at
- SAP UI pattern configuration application Co oznacza a Web Dynpro application used for configuring application floor plans. The pattern developer creates the configuration
- SAP UI pattern configuration data Co oznacza An application developer configures an application floor plan using a configuration application. The result of this
- SAP Element Pattern Ui Co oznacza A specific part of a user interface pattern that allows users to accomplish a certain task. For example, a search bar
- SAP Uid Co oznacza User name Variable defined for use in data transfer to OLE applications or in transferring values of OLE objects to
- SAP Consignee Ultimate Co oznacza The final recipient of merchandise
- SAP Ultimates Co oznacza Accounting term for a media company. This is an evaluation of costs and revenues that is projected and cumulated across
- SAP Organization Umbrella Co oznacza An administrative and functional structure that includes several smaller organizations within its structure
- SAP Service Provider Ume Co oznacza A J2EE Engine module that initializes the User Management Engine (UME) according to the properties specified in its
- SAP Number Un Co oznacza The number in the list of dangerous goods compiled by an expert commission of the United Nations for use in transport
- SAP Edifact Un Co oznacza The United Nations Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce, and Trade. International and branch
- SAP Value Objective Unaddressed Co oznacza The difference between the planned objective value and addressed objective value for a program or category
- SAP Value Spending Unaddressed Co oznacza The difference between addressable spending value and addressed spending value. The unaddressed spending value is
- SAP Fee Unallocated Co oznacza Fee associated with the medical bill review process that cannot be assigned to a specific invoice item
- SAP unambiguous blended code page Co oznacza A subtype of blended code page. In unambiguous code pages, each code point refers to one character exactly
- SAP Exposure Unsecured Co oznacza Exposure amount adjusted by the value of the collateral. The customer defines how the value of the collateral is
- SAP Overtime Unapproved Co oznacza The times worked that time evaluation identifies as time intervals outside the contractual start and end times. If
- SAP Operator Unary Co oznacza Operator that only has an effect on an operand. Examples are plus/minus signs of operands in arithmetical expressions
- SAP Tolerance Underdelivery Co oznacza A value specified by the user that expresses the percentage by which the quantity delivered can be below the quantity
- SAP Underinsurance Co oznacza If the sum insured that is specified in the contract is lower than the total insurable value of the insured objects at
- SAP unpacked goods movement quantity Co oznacza Goods receipt quantity or goods issue quantity of a delivery item that is not packed in a handling unit (such as a box
- SAP Portfolio Unassigned Co oznacza A grouping of portfolio objects without an assignment. Unlike available portfolio , no business object assignments
- SAP Product Unassigned Co oznacza Product that has gone through a matching process but could not be assigned to a group of identical or similar products
- SAP unauthorized overdraft of an external limit Co oznacza Currency-based key figure for a particular key date. Amount by which the facility is exceeded = max (utilization on a
- SAP Reason Unavailability Co oznacza If the plan administrator receives notice from an individual of a qualifying event, a second qualifying event, or of a
- SAP Amount Revenue Unbilled Co oznacza The amount of revenue that is recognized and not invoiced
- SAP Reporting Revenue Unbilled Co oznacza Consumption proration used for determining and valuating quantities sold and billed for the balance sheet of the
- SAP Operation Unbind Co oznacza Unbinds a named object. Removes the terminal atomic name from the target context
- SAP Unbonded Co oznacza Duty-paid (taxed). Material held at an unbonded location will be duty-paid
- SAP Unbundling Co oznacza Financial and organizational separation of service in the energy industry. Unbundling applies to: Energy generation
- SAP Delivery Unchecked Co oznacza A delivery document that has a reduced scope of checks and a document status of unchecked . The reduced scope of checks
- SAP Balance Unclaimed Co oznacza The balance of a dormant account that remains unclaimed by the customer for a certain period, despite being requested
- SAP Conflict Unclassifiable Co oznacza Technical name: CONFLICT_OTHER A configuration conflict that cannot be classified as one of the defined conflict types
- SAP unconditional pension key date Co oznacza Calculation of pension key date also considering unconditional periods
- SAP Forecast Unconstrained Co oznacza Prediction of market demand, and therefore of total potential sales volume, based on unlimited resources
- SAP Partner Undefined Co oznacza A neutral partner function category that, unlike other categories, is not associated with any business rights or
- SAP Step Undefined Co oznacza Step type with no function, which you insert into a workflow definition as a placeholder to make the definition clearer
- SAP Undeployment Co oznacza The process of removing a deployed library, service, interface, application or application component from a J2EE Engine
- SAP under 24-hour case Co oznacza Patient case whose duration does not exceed 24 hours in one day and is not in the hospital at midnight
- SAP Alert Underconfirmation Co oznacza Alert type displayed in SAP APO when the confirmed quantity in the customer requirement falls short of the requirement
- SAP Document Underlying Co oznacza Document, for example, delivery, shipping notification, or reservation which is based on a shipment. A shipment cannot
- SAP Right Underlying Co oznacza One example of an underlying right is the right to exploit the script for a film. The film script is an independent IP
- SAP underlying software component version Co oznacza Software component version that is based on another software component version. You define dependencies between
- SAP Transaction Underlying Co oznacza The base activity of an option or warrant. Underlying transactions are generated automatically when physically
- SAP undo (BC-FES-GRA) Co oznacza A function used to revert to the most recently archived dataset, or to a named dataset
- SAP undo (BC-FES-GUI) Co oznacza Standard R/3 function. You use this function to reverse the last action. Sometimes, you can repeat the function to
- SAP H Is Undo Co oznacza Undo the remapping of services in service entry
- SAP Presentment Check Undocumented Co oznacza Presentment of checks for less than a certain amount, with a fully legible code line, and where the data is transferred
- SAP Headcount Unduplicated Co oznacza Total student count where each student is only counted once, regardless of the number of programs they are enrolled in
- SAP Ii Benefit Unemployment Co oznacza Unemployment benefit 2 (ALG II) is a social benefit law made effective in Germany on January 1 2005 by the unemployment
- SAP State Unemployment Co oznacza A state having jurisdiction for unemployment insurance purposes
- SAP Object Unfound Co oznacza Unfound objects (UFOs) are HTTP URLs that are unknown or not recognized as valid by the ICM server cache. UFOs are
- SAP Unicode Co oznacza Cross-language character set for international data processing ( Subset of the UCS following ISO-10646
- SAP Representation Character Unicode Co oznacza Character representation defined for Unicode. SAP supports the representations UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32; the byte
- SAP Check Unicode Co oznacza Enhanced syntax check for ABAP programs that must be able to run in a Unicode system. The Unicode check is activated in
- SAP Unifier for SAP Applications Co oznacza An application that enables the integration of SAP enterprise systems into a portal by means of Drag;Relate technology
- SAP Console Management Unifier Co oznacza A single user interface from which you can develop, customize, and administer your project. The Unifier Management
- SAP Conversion Unicode Co oznacza Process of converting an existing non-Unicode system to Unicode: System Copy which includes the conversion of all
- SAP Process Conversion Unicode Co oznacza Complete process of a conversion from non-Unicode SAP system to Unicode SAP system
- SAP View Fragment Unicode Co oznacza Splits structures into alignment gaps, byte-type and character-type areas, numeric fields, strings, reference variables
- SAP Content Unstructured Co oznacza Documents that may or may not have attached metadata, but whose actual content is not maintained in a database field
- SAP Program Unicode Co oznacza A Unicode program is an ABAP program for which the Unicode checks are active and in which different semantics are
- SAP Identifier Sequence Unicode Co oznacza Representation of a sequence of two or more Unicode code points as a comma-separated list Unicode values enclosed in
- SAP Signature Unicode Co oznacza Implicit marker to identify a file as containing Unicode text in a particular encoding form. Example: initial byte
- SAP Standard Unicode Co oznacza Unicode/ISO/IEC 10646 open abstract character repertoire published in versions
- SAP System Unicode Co oznacza Single code system in which characters are coded in Unicode character representation. The system codepage of a Unicode
- SAP Uni Ep Unification Co oznacza A collection of NetWeaver portal services and components, which, together, support a variety of portal features
- SAP Sap Unification Co oznacza A key functional area of mySAP Enterprise Portals that accesses and acts upon information coming from different sources
- SAP Server Unification Co oznacza A development environment that enables an enterprise to integrate the resources of its information systems and provide
- SAP unified identification code (FI) Co oznacza An identification number, in Bulgaria, that is assigned to legal persons and some natural persons working in sole
- SAP unified identification code (FI) Co oznacza A tax number, in Bulgaria, assigned to all legal persons by the National Statistical Institute. It is also used for
- SAP Language Modeling Unified Co oznacza Unified Modeling Language UML is the OMG-recognized (object management group) standard language for the semantic
- SAP Rendering Unified Co oznacza Provides XML Syntax for writing rendering code for server side controls. A control is an object which stores the server
- SAP Framework Rendering Unified Co oznacza A tool for defining the rendering of UI elements within the SAP organization. Controls defined by the Unified Rendering
- SAP Unifier Co oznacza An application that enables the integration of enterprise systems into a portal by means of Drag;Relate. The unifier
- SAP Convention Naming Uniform Co oznacza Standard for specifying a unique location for all the shared resources on a local-area network. The Uniform Naming
- SAP Identifier Resource Uniform Co oznacza A more general form than URL for addressing Web resources. A URI consists of two parts - the protocol such as HTTP(S
- SAP Locator Resource Uniform Co oznacza The unique address of an object in the Internet The Uniform Reource Locator (URL) contains the following elements
- SAP Valuation Uniform Co oznacza A valuation of all stocks of a material according to the same valuation criteria
- SAP Supply Power Uninterruptible Co oznacza Means of ensuring the continuity and raising the quality of electricity supplied to a computer system. Uninterruptible
- SAP Shop Union Co oznacza The system defining how union operates and the interaction among employee, employer and union. It includes the
- SAP unique German location number Co oznacza A purely German numbering system to identify vendors and their customers. This is being replaced by the International
- SAP Index Unique Co oznacza A log in which the index fields have key attributes and each field contained in the index identifies each record of the
- SAP Mid Bc Unit Co oznacza Unit of transaction-related data in Background RFC. A unit contains the same data as an LUW (logical unit of work), but
- SAP Qm Unit Co oznacza The material or immaterial object under inspection. A unit in the SAP system can be reviewed in an inspection or a
- SAP Category Unit Co oznacza Refers to the category of the currency unit or of the quantity unit
- SAP Conversion Unit Co oznacza Activity for the document controller to convert incoming units of measurement from a customer file into internal units
- SAP Costing Unit Co oznacza A method of costing that does not use bills of material or routings. Unit costing calculates planned costs for base
- SAP Id Unit Co oznacza Unique number assigned to a postsecondary institution. A unit ID can be assigned to a university or to any
- SAP Object Unit Co oznacza A portal object visible in the Portal Catalog, as opposed to embedded objects assigned to roles, worksets, and pages
- SAP Entry Of Unit Co oznacza A unit of measure in which a goods movement or physical inventory count is entered. The unit of entry can differ from
- SAP Issue Of Unit Co oznacza Unit of measure in which materials are issued from the warehouse or stores. The unit of issue enables you to record
- SAP Measure Of Unit Co oznacza A value used to determine the size of a quantity of material. Units of measure in the SAP System include: Base unit of
- SAP unit of measure group Co oznacza Group of multiple units of measure. The Unit of Measure Group enables inventory management in multiple units of measure
- SAP usage type (IS-U-BI) Co oznacza Key for the rate time zone to which a register is allocated with respect to installation and billing
- SAP Measurement Of Unit Co oznacza A value for a physical size. Units of measurement are used for internal conversion purposes. There are standardized
- SAP Price Unit Co oznacza Sales price for one unit (quantity one) of the service line. If 6 recessed lighting units are tendered for in the
- SAP Contract Price Unit Co oznacza A contract which measures payment for unit prices for each service line. Final entitlement to payment results from the
- SAP Testing Unit Co oznacza The lowest level of testing, where the program or transaction is tested and evaluated for faults. Typically, unit
- SAP unit to be inspected Co oznacza A unit that is to be inspected. A unit to be inspected can be assigned: Measured values Characteristic attributes
- SAP unit-of-measure load category (LE) Co oznacza A grouping of unit of measures for loads. It is used to calculate work loads in the following areas: Rough workload
- SAP unit-of-measure load category (SCM-EWM) Co oznacza A grouping of units of measure with reference to loads. The unit-of-measure load category can be used to calculate
- SAP United Nations/Standard Products and Services Code Co oznacza Generic UN approved classification tree
- SAP Universal Discovery, Description and Integration Co oznacza Industry initiative for creating a platform-independent, open framework for describing Web services, discovering
- SAP universal process instruction category Co oznacza A process instruction that is valid for the following use: instruction types except type 3, process data subscription
- SAP Code Product Universal Co oznacza A standardized number used in the USA to identify a material uniquely. This number always relates to a unit of measure
- SAP Identifier Unique Universal Co oznacza An identifier that is immutable and unique across time and space. UUIDs are used in the content distribution service to
- SAP Uniwagnis risk-rating system Co oznacza Database-supported procedure for determining special risks and for preventing fraud in the insurance industry
- SAP Date Unloading Co oznacza Date/time on/at which the goods are availble at the recipient for further processing
- SAP unloading point (IS-A-GR) Co oznacza The SAP Automotive equivalent of the staging area. Goods are received and put away at an unloading point. There is
- SAP Sd Point Unloading Co oznacza Goods receiving point at the ship-to party location. For example, this can be a dock where the goods are unloaded
- SAP Rule Unloading Co oznacza Unloading rules are required if the same edition is to be unloaded at several unloading points in a carrier route by
- SAP Zone Unloading Co oznacza The SAP Automotive equivalent of the door in Logistics Execution. It is an organizational unit that is used to group
- SAP Resource Unlock Co oznacza A function used to release a room. Note: This function is used if you want to unlock a resource before the unlock date
- SAP Position Unoccupied Co oznacza A position type for a position that has no holder. If the vacancy infotype (1007) is maintained for the position, so
- SAP Format Unpacked Co oznacza The technical name for fields in the DTAUS disk format with whole numbers without plus/minus signs, whereby whole
- SAP Attendee Unplaced Co oznacza An attendee that does not receive a place when an event is firmly booked. These attendees are put on the waiting list
- SAP Participant Unplaced Co oznacza A participant that does not receive a place when a course is firmly booked. These participants are put on the waiting
- SAP Consumption Unplanned Co oznacza The difference between total consumption and planned consumption. Unplanned consumption is updated if goods are
- SAP Costs Delivery Unplanned Co oznacza The delivery costs that are not planned in a purchase order and are not entered in the system until the invoice is
- SAP Depreciation Unplanned Co oznacza An unplanned value correction as the result of a reduction in asset value, that appears to be permanent
- SAP Downtime Unplanned Co oznacza Time during which a system cannot be used for normal production operations due to unforeseen failure in hardware or
- SAP Withdrawal Unplanned Co oznacza An issue of a material without reference to a reservation. Unplanned withdrawals result in the updating of the figures
- SAP Payment Down Unqualified Co oznacza An overpayment credited to the customer during incoming payments processing of rent receivables. It is used to balance
- SAP Phase Shipment Unrestricted Co oznacza Second delivery phase for a new software release. During this phase, all customers can obtain the new release
- SAP Stock Use Unrestricted Co oznacza The valuated stock of a material held and owned by a company that is not subject to usage restrictions
- SAP Coverage Claims Unsatisfied Co oznacza Insurance coverage to reimburse policyholders who have suffered a loss, but who are unable to collect compensation for
- SAP Correspondence Unscheduled Co oznacza Validity category for a time model function that is scheduled outside the time model on a date that can be freely
- SAP Reading Meter Unscheduled Co oznacza Meter reading for which a result is entered although no meter reading order exists for the meter reading in the SAP
- SAP Processing Unscheduled Co oznacza Creates a policy status with temporal validity. When it appears it is not possible to predict it and therefore cannot
- SAP Repayment Unscheduled Co oznacza An unexpected payoff for a loan. An unscheduled repayment can be generated by entering a corresponding condition, or
- SAP usage type (KM-KW) Co oznacza The type of usage of a structure. The structure can be a book structure or a substructure
- SAP Part Unserviceable Co oznacza A defect part or component of a technical object, usually an aircraft component, a jet engine, or ground equipment. An
- SAP Applicant Unsolicited Co oznacza The applicants who apply to a company without referring to a position or job advertisement. Applicants are identified
- SAP Group Application Unsolicited Co oznacza A freely definable criterion for classifying unsolicited applications. You can group unsolicited applications according
- SAP Document Unstructured Co oznacza A document with a format that is not recognized by the Category Management application (for example a Word, Excel, PPT
- SAP Untagging Co oznacza An operation used to return a tagged technical object to an untagging condition. This operational condition does not
- SAP Check Untagging Co oznacza Optional check whether untagging is possible for the Operational WCD
- SAP Condition Untagging Co oznacza An operational condition of an Operational WCD item that defines what state an item must have for untagging. Example
- SAP Phase Untagging Co oznacza An operational phase in the operational cycle in which a Operational WCD item passes through the following statuses: 1
- SAP Empties Untied Co oznacza Empties material that is linked with a non-empties material, but can exist independently of that material. If liquid
- SAP Loop Until Co oznacza Step type in a workflow definition for processing a sequence of steps repeatedly at runtime until the termination
- SAP Land Unusable Co oznacza Land Use Management According to valuation law, unusable land encompasses those areas of land that cannot produce
- SAP Collaterals Unused Co oznacza The value of a collateral agreement which is not used for collateralization on deadline and is not available for the
- SAP unused portion of collateral Co oznacza The part of the collateral value that is not used as collateral
- SAP Awards Unvested Co oznacza Unvested awards are awards that are not yet available for exercising, for example, awards that vest gradually
- SAP Volume Sales Unweighted Co oznacza A forecasted revenue that is not influenced by a chance-of-success factor. The user enters an amount, rather than the
- SAP Days Unworked Co oznacza The planned work days according to the employee's work schedule on whichthe employee does not work. Reasons for
- SAP Code Uom Co oznacza An identifier for a unit of measure in the SAP Business One system
- SAP Selling Up Co oznacza Process by which an alternative, more expensive product (or one with a higher profit margin) is proposed for purchase
- SAP E Upc Co oznacza Contraction of the EAN category for UPCs. The EAN is entered and displayed in a shortened format consisting of one
- SAP update (BC-CST-UP) Co oznacza Method of compressing the changing database accesses of an SAP LUW in one update work process or in one database LUW
- SAP Pm Fs Update Co oznacza Starting from any historical application version, this executes all scheduled and future-date unscheduled processes, up
- SAP update (IS-B-RA-CL) Co oznacza It is important to update all limit utilizations regularly in order to be able to check that limits are being observed
- SAP Im Mm Update Co oznacza A process that takes place when inventory sampling is performed. During an update, the system: Reads new count results
- SAP Cm Pa Update Co oznacza Function that enables you to copy a released budget structure for a new budget period. When doing this you can specify
- SAP Server Update Co oznacza Part of the SAP System which provides update services. An SAP System can contain several update servers providing
- SAP Counter Update Co oznacza Table entry for the cross-system update logic that counts change statuses sequentially for certain object types (such
- SAP Data Update Co oznacza Data to be updated in the database. The update data is located in the update table VBDATA before it is written to the
- SAP Dispatching Update Co oznacza Process for distributing update requests across the available update servers according to the update groups and update
- SAP Form Update Co oznacza An ASP template, made available by the Unification Server, enabling the user to update a record in the database upon
- SAP Module Function Update Co oznacza Function module for which the attribute update function module is marked in the Function Builder. Basis of updating. An
- SAP Group Update Co oznacza Group of update servers, which is created in the update administration (transaction SM13 or SM14
- SAP Header Update Co oznacza Administration information which applies to the entire update record. All update headers are in the update table VBHDR
- SAP Key Update Co oznacza Unique character string which identifies an update record. The update key is in the update header
- SAP Management Update Co oznacza Update management (transaction SM13) is used to: Display updates Test and clean up terminated updates Reset updates
- SAP Model Update Co oznacza A principle for updating data in the Environment, Health and Safety component when filling and distributing dangerous
- SAP Module Update Co oznacza A part of an update request. An update module corresponds to the function module CALL FUNCTION ... IN UPDATE TASK and
- SAP Application Of Update Co oznacza The process of deployment of edited application components
- SAP Owner Update Co oznacza Lock owner created at the start of a dialog transaction. Locks set in the course of a transaction have one (or two
- SAP Profile Update Co oznacza A summary of parameters that control the update of commitment data and actual data in Funds Management. Update profiles
- SAP Queuing Update Co oznacza A function in the Configuration iView. It represents a sequence of configuration changes to various configuration
- SAP Path Upgrade Co oznacza Relationship between preceding and succeeding products. It is a set of rules that function during version change
- SAP Rate Update Co oznacza A period that can be specified for OPC Data Access subscriptions in the SAP system. The update rate determines how long
- SAP Read Update Co oznacza A function to ensure that only changed data and changed customizing is sent to the graphic instead of all the data and
- SAP Record Update Co oznacza A record describing the data changes in an SAP LUW, which must either be made completely or not at all (in a database
- SAP Request Update Co oznacza Data record that describes the data changes in a SAP LUW which must be performed either completely or not at all (i.e
- SAP upload (FIN-SEM-BCS) Co oznacza The processes of loading consolidation-relevant data from a data file into the Consolidation system
- SAP update statistics (BC-CST-UP) Co oznacza Statistics of the SAP update system. You can display the statistcs in the update administration (transaction SM13 ->
- SAP update statistics (BC-DB) Co oznacza Function to generate up-to-date figures required by the cost-based optimizer for a database. To improve performance for
- SAP Status Update Co oznacza Status of an update request. The update status indicates at what stage of processing the update is, and whether there
- SAP Table Update Co oznacza The SAP table containing the data to be changed until it is written to the database in a database LUW. The following
- SAP Task Update Co oznacza Part of an ABAP program that changes the database
- SAP Termination Update Co oznacza If an error or problem occurs while an update request is being processed in the SAP System, the update is terminated
- SAP Tracker Update Co oznacza Tool that can be used to track changes made in the database when a claim is saved
- SAP Type Update Co oznacza Attribute of a matchcode ID. The update type determines how the matchcode is constructed (view or pool table) and how
- SAP Process Work Update Co oznacza Work process of update type (UPD). In the server overview (transaction SM51) you can see which work process types are
- SAP Relevant Update Co oznacza Business transaction that affects the update of one or more contracts. Policy changes that do no affect one or more
- SAP Doc Bc Upgrade Co oznacza Name for the specific execution of individual steps (for example IMG), which in their entirety, amount to the
- SAP Upg Bc Upgrade Co oznacza The switch from an older software version to a new version. Typically, both the server component of a system landscape
- SAP Assistant Upgrade Co oznacza A tool that supports SAP system upgrades. The Upgrade Assistant provides one or more graphical user interfaces for
- SAP Customizing Upgrade Co oznacza The changes to functions already used in live systems after a system or release upgrade. You can collect the IMG
- SAP Monitor Upgrade Co oznacza Function of the upgrade control program that monitors the progress of the upgrade and detects any hanging processes
- SAP usage type (FS-CMS) Co oznacza The purpose for which a collateral object is used. Example Office Privately-financed apartment Parking space
- SAP Iview Url Co oznacza An iView in the portal that retrieves HTML-based data directly from an Internet or Intranet site through a Web-based
- SAP Strategy Upgrade Co oznacza Type of backup procedure during an SAP upgrade. The upgrade strategy determines: The periods in which database
- SAP Unit Upgrade Co oznacza A reusable part of an of a mobile client application upgrade. This is specific to upgrades that are created with the
- SAP Uplift Co oznacza Sales volume including additional measures such as promotions. Impact of merchandising and promotional spending on
- SAP Factor Uplift Co oznacza Defines the increase in sales brought about from a trade promotion. Multiplying the base quantity by this factor gives
- SAP Cs Ec Upload Co oznacza The importing of data from a front end system, such as a PC, into the SAP Consolidation system
- SAP Pt Upload Co oznacza The importing of data from external systems to the SAP system for time recording and plant data collection. The data
- SAP upload method (EC-CS) Co oznacza A combination of parameters that describe the structure of a file, the data of which is loaded from a non-SAP system
- SAP upload method (FIN-SEM-BCS) Co oznacza A combination of parameters that describe the structure of a file, the data of which is loaded into the Consolidation
- SAP upper threshold critical zone Co oznacza Upper threshold of critical zone of a vital sign. The critical zone is the value range within which the vital signs of
- SAP upper threshold normal zone Co oznacza Upper threshold of normal range of a vital sign. The normal range is the value range within which the vital sign of a
- SAP Procedure Settlement Upstream Co oznacza A settlement procedure that must be completed successfully before another settlement procedure can be executed. Example
- SAP Uptime Co oznacza The period of time in which you can use your system productively. The duration of uptime during the upgrade depends on
- SAP Compatibility Upward Co oznacza A feature of hardware or software that is compatible with the successor version
- SAP Correction Urgent Co oznacza Transport request that contains the solution to a high-priority problem. The transport request is immediately imported
- SAP Uri Co oznacza The format used in XML Data Archiving to address resources or collections
- SAP Table Permission Uri Co oznacza File containing rule definitions which the SAP Web Dispatcher follows when processing incoming URLs. You can use the
- SAP Url Co oznacza Address of an object in the Internet; it consists of the following information (reading from left to right
- SAP URL Access for Content Co oznacza A service that transfers the content of external resources into a content management repository. HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP
- SAP Capture Url Co oznacza A utility that captures the URLs of pages of the target Web site
- SAP Editor Url Co oznacza A Web component interface for editing the arguments and parameters of an URL
- SAP Filter Url Co oznacza Program that filters HTTP requests according to their URL and forwards or rejects them. The SAP Web Dispatcher can be
- SAP usage type (IS-DFS) Co oznacza An indicator that displays the organizational structures in which a force element is included
- SAP Prefix Url Co oznacza Part of the URL positioned between the protocol name and the name of the HTML page. In the URL, http://hostname
- SAP Rewriting Url Co oznacza A mechanism used for appending session-related data to the request URL. It is used for session tracking by the Web
- SAP Isolated Url Co oznacza URL-Isolated refers to one of the possible values assigned to the iView property Isolation Method
- SAP Gaas Gaap Us Co oznacza The United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS
- SAP Feature Usability Co oznacza Any application feature or function that increases the overall usability of that application
- SAP Be Ap Usage Co oznacza Usages summarize certain fields of a container. This gives them a common meaning for carrying out a business process
- SAP Dependency Use Co oznacza Dependency between components with the meaning #component A uses functionality of B#
- SAP Crm Usage Co oznacza The specification of which business transaction type an object, such as a partner function or an attribute in the
- SAP Ehs Usage Co oznacza A combination of validity area and rating. The relevant validity area can be made up of a number of validity areas. The
- SAP Hmed Is Usage Co oznacza Describes the reason why a drug has been ordered. Example For therapeutic reasons For prophylactic reasons
- SAP usage balance of PIN limit Co oznacza Total of all payment items with transaction type PIN-Bancomat reference
- SAP Category Usage Co oznacza Classification of internal usage types. Usage categories include: Non-commercial Commercial Mixed
- SAP Context Usage Co oznacza The context in which a dangerous goods check schema is used. The dangerous goods check schema determination routine
- SAP Decision Usage Co oznacza Decision on the further processing of an inspection lot that is made on the basis of the inspection results. In the SAP
- SAP Factor Usage Co oznacza Consumption of an installation in relation to a synthetic profile. Example A synthetic profile is normed at 1000 kWh
- SAP Type Frequency Usage Co oznacza Data value that can be used to enter rights usage using a counter and perform settlement accordingly. Examples: Number
- SAP List Usage Co oznacza A summary of how a piece of equipment has been used to date
- SAP usage object (CRM-MKT) Co oznacza Identifies the application specified under usage category. For the usage category shop , the usage object is the name
- SAP Re Object Usage Co oznacza Object in the usage view equivalent to an architectural object. The following usage objects are available in Flexible
- SAP Rate Usage Co oznacza The intended or actual usage of an aircraft in flying hours, with regard to a specific period
- SAP Rights Usage Co oznacza Settings in a PDF document that enable extended functions in Adobe Reader. Reader usage rights include functions such
- SAP Site Usage Co oznacza A neutral, generic term for the place at which a piece of equipment is employed. For example, at one of the following
- SAP usage type (CRM-MKT) Co oznacza Describes the usage of an object within the Segment Builder. SAP supplies the following categories as standard
- SAP Nw Type Usage Co oznacza An installed and correspondingly configured part of an SAP NetWeaver system that provides key capabilities for a system
- SAP Re Type Usage Co oznacza Describes the purpose of a rental unit. Example: office, privately financed, parking space. There are two types of
- SAP Variance Usage Co oznacza The difference between planned and actual costs caused by higher usage of material, time, and so on
- SAP View Usage Co oznacza Together with the rental objects, the usage view forms the basis for internal and external lease-out
- SAP Access Use Co oznacza Attribute of packages. Use access is the right of a user package to use the visible elements of an interface of another
- SAP Symbol Use Co oznacza A symbol on a packaging that gives the user information on handling the product and on any potential dangers. Use
- SAP Tax Use Co oznacza A tax imposed on the use of personal property and especially property purchased in another state. Specifically, a one
- SAP Value Asset Used Co oznacza Value that indicates the level of charge on the collateral object according to the collateral agreement
- SAP Model Instances Used Co oznacza A model created behind the scenes by the alert modeler editor. The used instances model describes which events of the
- SAP Return Part Used Co oznacza A business transaction in CRM Service that is used to reflect the return of parts for which a customer paid a deposit
- SAP Life Useful Co oznacza The reasonable length of time expected for using the asset, depending on the individual depreciation area. Within this
- SAP Jas Bc User Co oznacza A J2EE Engine entity that represents a unit with specified security permissions and restrictions for accessing the
- SAP Btx Crm User Co oznacza Pre-defined partner function in the buying center within the Sales Methodology, which is delivered in the standard
- SAP user (EP-PIN-USM) Co oznacza All Portal users including end users, administrators, and content managers
- SAP Action User Co oznacza Action of a user on a control element of the user interface. Causes a screen event PAI if the selected control element
- SAP Administrator User Co oznacza Person authorized to create and maintain users. A user administrator can be authorized to create or modify only user
- SAP Configurator Assignment User Co oznacza Component of the User Assignment pattern. The User Assignment Configurator is used to configure and adapt the user
- SAP Pattern Assignment User Co oznacza A user interface (UI) component pattern. The User Assignment Pattern is used to assign users to specific roles when
- SAP Budget User Co oznacza Amount of money that a purchaser can spend in total during a calendar period (month or year) using self-service
- SAP Change User Co oznacza User change in the PI sheet between an anonymous service user and an individual user without closing the PI sheet
- SAP Code User Co oznacza A case-sensitive numeric or alphanumeric key that, in addition to the user name, enables users to log on SAP Business
- SAP Context User Co oznacza Data assigned to a specific user. When a user starts a transaction in the SAP System, the work process that processes
- SAP File Data User Co oznacza Encrypted file for transferring messages between two communication partners. Only the correct receiver can decrypt this
- SAP Decision User Co oznacza Step type in a workflow definition for taking a branch at runtime on the basis of a decision made by the actual agent
- SAP user department (LO-MD) Co oznacza A grouping of all that a department creates for a material in the material master record
- SAP Representative Department User Co oznacza A member of the project team who is thoroughly familiar with the tasks and procedures of a department affected by the
- SAP Documentation User Co oznacza Customer-developed documentation for users, to be used in training prior to going live, as well as referenced for
- SAP user exit (BC-DWB-CEX) Co oznacza A point in an SAP program where a customer's own program can be called. In contrast to customer exits, user exits
- SAP Ehs Exit User Co oznacza A technology that allows you to enhance EH;S functions according to customer requirements without making modifications
- SAP user group (BC-SEC-USR) Co oznacza A category in user maintenance. You can assign every user to one or more user groups. These can be used to distribute
- SAP user group (BC-SRV-QUE) Co oznacza An SAP Query object. User groups determine the queries that a user is allowed to execute or maintain
- SAP user group (EC-EIS) Co oznacza A hierarchy within the report portfolio. It consists of various report classes and the reports that belong to them. The
- SAP Id User Co oznacza Identifier for a ME User, which is associated with a Mobile ID
- SAP Icon Id User Co oznacza Icon in the browser view of the user menu. The user ID icon shows your user name in the SAP System. You can double
- SAP user interface (BC-FES-GUI) Co oznacza The set of technical features and functions used to exchange information with a system. In an ABAP-based SAP system
- SAP Utilmd Co oznacza EDIFACT message category used for the transfer of master data on customers, contracts, and points of delivery
- SAP user interface (FIN-SEM-BPS) Co oznacza The visual presentation in which a software program is presented to the users on the screen. The user interface is made
- SAP Api Interface User Co oznacza A programmable interface to the SAP Business One user interface. The UI API consists of a collection of DCOM objects
- SAP user interface building block Co oznacza A configurable, pre-progammed unit for creating a user interface. These building blocks aim to increase consistency and
- SAP Element Interface User Co oznacza In a Web Dynpro environment, it covers all elements that are created or displayed when the view is rendered. The term
- SAP user session (BC-ABA) Co oznacza Status between the logon and logoff of a user on an AS ABAP. During the session, the user can work with the AS ABAP
- SAP User Interface Framework layer Co oznacza Layer in the 3-tier architecture of Dynamic Auction and Dynamic Bidding (formerly DPE) which is based on Java Server
- SAP user interface pattern (BC-WD-PTN) Co oznacza a reusable interface and coding module that allows users to accomplish generic tasks such as searching for and editing
- SAP user interface pattern (CA-GTF-TS-XSS) Co oznacza An archetypal or generic design solution to an interaction problem in the context of a user task
- SAP user interface pattern library Co oznacza A set of reusable components that can be used similarly to templates. The user interface pattern library contains all
- SAP Maintenance User Co oznacza Transactions that allow the system administrator to create and maintain user master records. This includes generating
- SAP Management User Co oznacza A function in ITS Administration for managing users. User management enables you to set up users and define access
- SAP Engine Management User Co oznacza A Java-based user management component that features centralized user management, Single Sign-On (SSO), and secure
- SAP Mapping User Co oznacza Enables Single Sign-On between systems in which users do not necessarily have the same user credentials. In the case of
- SAP Tool Mapping User Co oznacza A Unification Server tool used to prevent the necessity of additional logons whenever a Database Unifier project user
- SAP Record Master User Co oznacza A record that contains important master data about a user in the SAP system. The user master record contains the
- SAP Menu User Co oznacza Menu that contains a restricted selection of task-specific functions. The user menu reflects a user's working
- SAP Message User Co oznacza Short message to other R/3 System users. You can send a user message to any number of users. It is displayed in a
- SAP Mitigation User Co oznacza The process by which controls designed to alleviate potential violations of laws are assigned to User IDs or user
- SAP Mode User Co oznacza The user mode is a role-specific view of the workload monitor. It defines the functions available in the workload
- SAP Name User Co oznacza Name of the user required to logon to an AS ABAP. Together with the password, it enables the authorized use of an AS
- SAP Package User Co oznacza Package, whose elements can use the visible elements of other packages (for example, by calling them). Each user
- SAP Editor Preferences User Co oznacza A Unification Server tool used to grant users and groups access to Database Unifier project components or tools
- SAP Name Principal User Co oznacza The name of a system user in an e-mail address format. The user name (or username ) is followed by the at sign followed
- SAP Profile User Co oznacza Analysis view of the workload monitor that displays the workload broken down by users
- SAP Role User Co oznacza The set of transactions, reports, and Internet or intranet links that a specific group of users requires for daily work
- SAP user session (BC-FES-ITS) Co oznacza A session created by the Internet Transaction Server (ITS) when a user starts a service by logging on through a Web
- SAP Shelf User Co oznacza Session Manager facility. The user shelf allows you to store menu paths to the system functions you use most often. By
- SAP Status User Co oznacza A status set by the user to complement the system status for a given status object. You can use only a user status
- SAP Service Storage User Co oznacza A J2EE Engine module that enables the management of user storages on the J2EE Engine
- SAP Store User Co oznacza Service provider in the J2EE Engine that stores user management data such as user and group data. An example of a user
- SAP Template User Co oznacza A template created from scratch or a standard template that has been copied and modified by the user to meet his/her
- SAP View Time User Co oznacza A view of the appointment calendar in which all appointments are displayed in the user time zone. In the user time view
- SAP Trace User Co oznacza The purpose of the user trace is to retrieve detailed trace information when errors are reproduced. All the trace
- SAP Type Wage User Co oznacza Wage type that is created by copying an SAP model wage type to the customer namespace. The wage type is then modified
- SAP Area Definable User Co oznacza Range of designated code points in SAP code pages whose interpretations are not specified and whose use may be
- SAP Character Defined User Co oznacza Character in the user-definable area of SAP code pages
- SAP user-defined data type Co oznacza A way of grouping characteristics under one name. Instead of entering a format as a data type, you enter a class of
- SAP Fields Defined User Co oznacza A feature in the SAP Business One application that enables the user to add additional fields to: Marketing documents
- SAP Objects Defined User Co oznacza A feature in the SAP Business One application that enables partners and customers to create business objects, register
- SAP user-defined period split Co oznacza A function for arranging the display of periods for: Columns in the planning table Table entries in the evaluation of
- SAP user-defined selection screen Co oznacza Selection screen explicitly defined in a program and called using the CALL SELECTION-SCREEN statement
- SAP Text Defined User Co oznacza A text of any length that can be assigned to a value assignment or an object type in Industrial Hygiene and Safety and
- SAP Type Defined User Co oznacza User-defined type in the ABAP Dictionary
- SAP Format Readable User Co oznacza Represented in a format that can be read by human beings as opposed to machines
- SAP user-specific distribution list Co oznacza A distribution list that is available for use only by the user who created it
- SAP user-specific room role Co oznacza Once the user has created a Collaboration Room or been invited to a Collaboration Room, the system replaces the initial
- SAP Utc Co oznacza Universal Time Coordinated Worldwide standardized reference time, identical with Greeenwich Mean Time (GMT) for
- SAP Utf Co oznacza The standard for changing Unicode values into a unique series of code values and specifying the byte order for ordering
- SAP 16 Utf Co oznacza Unicode data format that uses 16-bit integers to represent one character
- SAP 32 Utf Co oznacza Unicode data format that uses 32-bit integers to represent one character
- SAP 8 Utf Co oznacza Unicode data format that uses 8-bit integers to represent one character
- SAP Master Utility Co oznacza The name of the person who purchased the seal or who is responsible for the seal at the utility company
- SAP Product Utility Co oznacza Definition for IS-U Sales Processing Material master record that stands for a utilities-specific process in the
- SAP Set Product Utility Co oznacza Characteristic of a utility product set type
- SAP utility product set type Co oznacza Quantity of characteristics from a product configuration grouped together according to business criteria
- SAP Server Utility Co oznacza A central component of the Ready-to-Run R/3 network. The utility server performs the following tasks in the network
- SAP Mcm Fs Utilization Co oznacza Amount already used of a limit
- SAP utilization (IS-B-RA-CL) Co oznacza Volume-oriented attributable amount derived from the current level of drawings
- SAP utilization (SCM-APO-MSP) Co oznacza Proportion of the never exceed period (NEP) that is used. For example, if a maintenance object check has an NEP of 5
- SAP Guarantee Of Utilization Co oznacza A liquidation measure wherein the guarantor will be liable for the payment of the open financial obligations of the
- SAP Utilizer Co oznacza Force element to which a technical object is assigned using stock
- SAP UWV company number (FI) Co oznacza An identification number assigned, in the Netherlands, to companies by the benefits agency. In the Netherlands, the
SAP tutorial
function module usage, se37 transaction. Szkolenie, opis funkcji, tutorial, zastosowanie modułów.