Uruchomienie, wykonanie: apm [options]
Jak działa APM, co robi APM: Display current Advanced Power Management hardware information, such as battery life, or send the system into standby or suspend-to-disk mode. Used on older systems, and replaced by acpi and related commands.
Display version information and quit.
Verbose mode. Display information about the APM BIOS and Linux APM driver.
Display estimated minutes of battery life remaining. Default format is in hours and minutes.
Suspend system to disk. Suspending the system to disk is equivalent to turning it off, but boot time will be faster and the system will resume exactly where it was before suspend.
Set system to standby. This will normally turn off the monitor and spin down the disk drives, reducing energy consumption by approximately 50 percent. Recovery from this mode is more rapid than from a full suspend to disk, but the system is still running.
When the system is using AC power, ignore suspend or standby requests generated by the system.
Do not ignore any suspend or standby events. This overrides a previously issued -i flag
Dostępne opcje, wywołanie APM:
- Co znaczy :
- Porównanie administration command. The Linux version of getty . Set terminal type, modes, speed, and line discipline. agetty is invoked by init . It is the second process in the series init-getty-login-shell co znaczy.
- Krzyżówka :
- Dlaczego Records midi files using ALSA. You must specify the port using the -p flag krzyżówka.
- Co to jest :
- Jak lepiej administration command. Normally started in a system startup file. Execute commands periodically. By default, anacron reads a list of jobs from a configuration file, /etc/anacrontab . The file co to jest.
- Słownik :
- Kiedy Create GNU standards-compliant Makefile.in files from Makefile.am template files and can be used to ensure that projects contain all the files and install options required to be standards-compliant słownik.
- Czym jest :
- Od czego zależy Read and write raw MIDI files (.syx format, without timing information) to ALSA ports. For standard MIDI (.mid ) files, use aplaymidi and arecordmidi czym jest.
Użycie APM zastosowanie komendy na linii poleceńw Słownik A .