komenda cardmgr użycie co to jest
Jak użyć CARDMGR? Definicja w konsoli cardmgr monitors PCMCIA sockets for devices that have been.
Znaczenie komenda cardmgr użycie definicja.

Czy przydatne?

Komenda/polecenie: Jak użyć cardmgr

Uruchomienie, wykonanie: cardmgr [options]

Jak działa CARDMGR, co robi CARDMGR: System administration command. The PCMCIA card daemon. cardmgr monitors PCMCIA sockets for devices that have been added or removed. When a card is detected, it attempts to get the card's ID and configure it according to the card configuration database (usually stored in /etc/pcmcia/config). By default, cardmgr does two things when it detects a card: it creates a system log entry, and it beeps. Two high beeps mean it successfully identified and configured a device. One high beep followed by one low beep means it identified the device, but was unable to configure it successfully. One low beep means it could not identify the inserted card. Information on the currently configured cards can be found in /var/run/stab

Dostępne opcje, wywołanie CARDMGR: -c directory

Look for the card configuration database in directory instead of /etc/pcmcia.


Run in the foreground to process the current cards, then run as a daemon.

-m directory

Look in directory for card device modules. Default is /lib/modules/RELEASE, where RELEASE is the current kernel release.


Configure the cards present in one pass, then exit.

-p file

Write cardmgr's process ID to file instead of to /var/run/cardmgr.pid.


Run in quiet mode. No beeps.

-s file

Write current socket information to file instead of /var/run/stab.


Verbose mode.


Print version number and exit.

Co znaczy :
Definicja administration command. Normally started in a system startup file. Execute commands at scheduled times, as specified in users' files in /var/spool/cron . Each file shares its name with the user co znaczy.
Co znaczy :
Definicja calendar (beginning with January) for the given year , or a one-month calendar of the given month and year . month ranges from 1 to 12. year ranges from 1 to 9999. With no arguments, print a calendar krzyżówka.
Co znaczy :
Definicja System administration command. Start the print scheduler for the Common UNIX Printing System co to jest.
Co znaczy :
Definicja terminal N (that is, switch to /dev/ttyN ). If you have not created /dev/ttyN , it will be created when you use this command. There are keyboard shortcuts for this functionality as well. From a słownik.
Co znaczy :
Definicja one or more files and print them on standard output. Read standard input if no files are specified or if - is specified as one of the files; input ends with EOF. You can use the > operator to czym jest.

Użycie CARDMGR zastosowanie komendy na linii poleceńw Słownik C .

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