Uruchomienie, wykonanie: ypserv [options]
Jak działa YPSERV, co robi YPSERV: NFS/NIS command. NIS server process. ypserv is a daemon process typically activated at system startup time. It runs only on NIS server machines with a complete NIS database. Its primary function is to look up information in its local database of NIS maps. The operations performed by ypserv are defined for the implementor by the NIS protocol specification, and for the programmer by the header file <rpcvc/yp_prot.h>. Communication to and from ypserv is by means of RPC calls. On startup or when receiving the signal SIGHUP, ypserv parses the file /etc/ypserv.conf. ypserv supports securenets, which can be used to restrict access to a given set of hosts
Dostępne opcje, wywołanie YPSERV: Query the DNS service for host information if not found in the hosts maps. Run in debugging mode without going into background mode, and print extra status messages to standard error for each request. If path is specified, use it instead of /var/yp. Bind to the specified port. For use with a router to filter packets so that access from outside hosts can be restricted. Print version information and exit.
- Co znaczy :
- Porównanie Change login password in Network Information Service. Create or change your password, and distribute the new password over NIS. The superuser can change the password for any user . This command may co znaczy.
- Krzyżówka :
- Dlaczego Server for modifying the NIS password file. yppasswdd handles password-change requests from yppasswd . It changes a password entry only if the password represented by yppasswd matches the encrypted krzyżówka.
- Co to jest :
- Jak lepiej Transfer an NIS map from the server to the local host by making use of normal NIS services. ypxfr creates a temporary map in the directory /var/yp/domain (where domain is the default domain for the co to jest.
- Słownik :
- Kiedy Force propagation of changed NIS map. yppush copies a new version of an NIS map, mapname , from the master NIS server to the slave NIS servers. It first constructs a list of NIS server hosts by słownik.
- Czym jest :
- Od czego zależy NIS binder process. ypbind is a daemon process typically activated at system startup time. Its function is to remember information that lets client processes on a single node communicate with some czym jest.
Użycie YPSERV zastosowanie komendy na linii poleceńw Słownik Y .