funds cover co to jest
ABAP definicja cover funds. Co znaczy time, for the entire amount of the outstanding mortgage bonds.
Znaczenie funds cover definicja.

Czy przydatne?

Definicja cover funds

Co znaczy COVER FUNDS:

The cover provided at any time, for the entire amount of the outstanding mortgage bonds and municipal bond, up to the nominal value.

This cover is provided by means of mortgages and municipal loans of at least the same amount and having the same interest rate.

Real estate credit institutions are required to acquire premium reserve funds in line with § 6 (1) of the German Mortgage Bank Act.

SAP przykład użycia COVER-FUNDS pomoc. Jak działa cover-funds kod programu ABAP. Wykorzystanie kodu Cover-Funds w programie funtion module SE37. Obsługa funkcji cover-funds w klasie.

Słownik i definicje SAPa na C.

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