node hierarchy customer co to jest
ABAP definicja customer hierarchy node. Co znaczy customer hierarchy that represents one element of.
Znaczenie node hierarchy customer definicja.

Czy przydatne?

Definicja customer hierarchy node


A separate element in a customer hierarchy that represents one element of the customer's organizational structure such as a regional buying office.

All hierarchy nodes below the highest hierarchy node refer to a higher level of the customer hierarchy.

If a new customer is assigned to a hierarchy, all pricing agreements that are valid for the hierarchy node to which the assignment is made are valid for this customer.

SAP przykład użycia CUSTOMER-HIERARCHY-NODE pomoc. Jak działa customer-hierarchy-node kod programu ABAP. Wykorzystanie kodu Customer-Hierarchy-Node w programie funtion module SE37. Obsługa funkcji customer-hierarchy-node w klasie.

Słownik i definicje SAPa na C.

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