The elimination of interunit profit or loss incurred from the transfer of inventory assets between two consolidation units within a consolidation group.
The IU profit or loss is the difference between the book value on the individual financial statement and the production cost.
A positive difference represents IU profit, which is eliminated by making an adjustment with the lower value as viewed by the group. A negative difference represents an IU loss, which is eliminated by making an adjustment using the (higher) production cost.
The elimination of IU profit/loss in transferred inventory requires that the inventory-managing consolidation unit reports which internal trading partner supplied which inventory items.
SAP przykład użycia ELIMINATION-OF-IU-PROFIT-AND-LOSS-IN-TRANSFERRED-INVENTORY pomoc. Jak działa elimination-of-iu-profit-and-loss-in-transferred-inventory kod programu ABAP. Wykorzystanie kodu Elimination-Of-Iu-Profit-And-Loss-In-Transferred-Inventory w programie funtion module SE37. Obsługa funkcji elimination-of-iu-profit-and-loss-in-transferred-inventory
w klasie.
Słownik i definicje SAPa na E.