call summarized co to jest
ABAP definicja summarized JIT call. Co znaczy quantity that is procured anonymously for production.
Znaczenie call summarized definicja.

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Definicja summarized JIT call


A JIT call for a material quantity that is procured anonymously for production.

Contrary to the sequenced JIT call, the summarized JIT call is not linked to a specific order (vehicle).

Contrary to the JIT delivery schedule that contains several schedule lines with a quantity and a deadline for a material, the summarized JIT call transmits only one quantity with a deadline. A new summarized JIT call does not replace an old JIT call that has been transmitted, but is added to previously transmitted JIT calls.

SAP przykład użycia SUMMARIZED-JIT-CALL pomoc. Jak działa summarized-jit-call kod programu ABAP. Wykorzystanie kodu Summarized-Jit-Call w programie funtion module SE37. Obsługa funkcji summarized-jit-call w klasie.

Słownik i definicje SAPa na S.

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