dimension royalties co to jest
ABAP definicja royalties dimension. Co znaczy characteristic that describes usage of an.
Znaczenie dimension royalties definicja.

Czy przydatne?

Definicja royalties dimension


A royalties dimension is a characteristic that describes usage of an Intellectual Property (IP). This dimension is used in addition to the rights dimension. IP rights consist of several rights dimensions and (optional) royalties dimensions, which describe usage of an Intellectual Property uniquely. Examples of rights dimensions include: market, territory and language. One example of a royalties dimension is the price group.

Example: Intellectual Property "X" has the following IP right:

Dimension Attribute

Market: Pay TV Territory: Germany Language: Germany Price group: Top films

SAP przykład użycia ROYALTIES-DIMENSION pomoc. Jak działa royalties-dimension kod programu ABAP. Wykorzystanie kodu Royalties-Dimension w programie funtion module SE37. Obsługa funkcji royalties-dimension w klasie.

Słownik i definicje SAPa na R.

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