zcmp zcat krzyżówka zdiff co to jest
Znew co znaczy zmore krzyżówka zless co to jest zic słownik zgrep czym jest zforce hasło zdump co.
Znaczenie zcmp zcat krzyżówka zdiff definicja.

Słownik poleceń i lista komend na Z

  • Jak użyć zcmp co znaczy pass them uncompressed to the cmp command, along with any command-line options. If a second file is not specified for comparison, look for a file called file.gz komputer.
  • Jak użyć zcat krzyżówka have been compressed with gzip or compress and write them to standard output. Read standard input if no files are specified or if - is specified as one of the files; end input informatyka.
  • Jak użyć zdiff co to jest pass them, uncompressed, to the diff command, along with any command-line options. If a second file is not specified for comparison, look for a file called file . gz plik.
  • Jak użyć zdump słownik Dump a list of all known time zones or, if an argument is provided, a specific zone or list of zones. Include each zone's current time with its name na dysku.
  • Jak użyć zforce czym jest Rename all gzip ped files to filename.gz , unless file already has a .gz extension pobierz.
  • Jak użyć zgrep hasło grep , along with any command-line arguments. If no files are provided, read from (and attempt to uncompress) standard input. May be invoked as zegrep or zfgrep and will in those do pobrania.
  • Jak użyć zic co oznacza System administration command. Create time conversion information files from the file or files specified. If the specified file is - , read information from standard input na komputerze.
  • Jak użyć zless tłumaczenie Uncompress files and allow paging through them. Equivalent to running zmore with the environment variable PAGER set to less . See zmore for the available commands laptop.
  • Jak użyć zmore przykłady Similar to more . Uncompress files and print them one screenful at a time. Works on files compressed with compress , gzip , or pack , and with uncompressed files nie działa.
  • Jak użyć znew definicja Uncompress .Z files and recompress them in .gz format do naprawy.

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