newaliases nohup krzyżówka co to jest
Nsupdate co znaczy nm krzyżówka nice co to jest nfsstat słownik nfsd czym jest newusers hasło.
Znaczenie newaliases nohup krzyżówka definicja.

Słownik poleceń i lista komend na N

  • Jak użyć newaliases co znaczy database, /etc/aliases , after a change. Return 0 on success, or a number greater than 0 if there was an error. newaliases must be run whenever /etc/aliases has been changed for komputer.
  • Jak użyć nohup krzyżówka its optional command arguments , continuing to run it even after you log out (make command immune to hangups—i.e., no h angup ). Terminal output is appended to the file nohup.out informatyka.
  • Jak użyć nslookup co to jest Internet domain nameservers. nslookup is deprecated; its functionality is replaced by the dig and host commands. nslookup may not be included in some distributions plik.
  • Jak użyć named słownik domain nameserver. named is used by resolver libraries to provide access to the Internet distributed naming database. With no arguments, named reads /etc/named.conf for any na dysku.
  • Jak użyć namei czym jest terminal point is found (e.g., a file, directory, char device, etc.). If namei finds a symbolic link, it shows the link and starts following it, indenting the output to show the pobierz.
  • Jak użyć nameif hasło Assign an interface name to a network device specified by macaddress , the unique serial number that identifies a network card. If no name and macaddress are given, nameif will do pobrania.
  • Jak użyć netstat co oznacza status. Print information on active sockets, routing tables, interfaces, masquerade connections, or multicast memberships. By default, netstat lists open sockets. When a delay is na komputerze.
  • Jak użyć newgrp tłumaczenie Change user's group ID to the specified group. If no group is specified, change to the user's login group. The new group is then used for checking permissions laptop.
  • Jak użyć newusers przykłady Create or update system users from entries in file . Each line in file has the same format as an entry in /etc/passwd , except that passwords are unencrypted and group IDs can nie działa.
  • Jak użyć nfsd definicja Launch n kernel threads for the Network File System (NFS) kernel module. The threads will handle client filesystem requests. By default, only one thread is launched. Most do naprawy.
  • Jak użyć nfsstat encyklopedia System administration command. Print statistics on NFS and remote procedure call (RPC) activity for both clients and server na forum.
  • Jak użyć nice jak działa arguments ) with lower priority (i.e., be nice to other users). With no command, nice prints the current scheduling priority (niceness). If nice is a child process, it prints the jak usunąć.
  • Jak użyć nm czy jest alphabetical order from one or more object files. If no object files are specified, perform operations on a.out . Output includes each symbol's value, type, size, name, and program.
  • Jak użyć nsupdate pojęcie Interactively submit dynamic DNS update requests to a nameserver. Use nsupdate to add or remove records from a zone without manually editing the zone file. Commands may be faq.

Wszystkie polecenia konsoli

Wywołanie komendy z linii poleceń. Konsola polecenie.

Linux, Unix, system operacyjny, zastosowanie. Słownik komend, wszystkie polecenia Linux.

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