tune2fs krzyżówka tail tailf co to jest
Tunelp co znaczy tsort krzyżówka tset co to jest true słownik troff czym jest traceroute hasło.
Znaczenie tune2fs krzyżówka tail tailf definicja.

Słownik poleceń i lista komend na T

  • Jak użyć tty co znaczy Print the filename of the terminal connected to standard input komputer.
  • Jak użyć tune2fs krzyżówka Tune the parameters of a Linux Second Extended Filesystem by adjusting various parameters. You must specify the device on which the filesystem resides; it must not be mounted informatyka.
  • Jak użyć tac co to jest cat , tac prints files in reverse to standard output. Without a filename or with - , it reads from standard input. By default, tac reverses the order of the lines, printing the plik.
  • Jak użyć tail słownik each named file (or standard input if - is specified) on standard output. If more than one file is specified, the output includes a header at the beginning of each file na dysku.
  • Jak użyć tailf czym jest file, then wait for the file to grow. tailf is similar to tail -f , but it does nothing when the file is not growing. Useful for following a logfile, particularly on a laptop when pobierz.
  • Jak użyć talk hasło is either the login name of someone on your own machine or user@host on another host. To talk to a user who is logged in more than once, use ttyname to indicate the appropriate do pobrania.
  • Jak użyć talkd co oznacza communication server. talkd notifies a user that somebody else wants to initiate a conversation. A talk client initiates a rendezvous by sending a CTL_MSG of type LOOK_UP to the na komputerze.
  • Jak użyć tar tłumaczenie files from an archive medium. If any files are directories, tar acts on the entire subtree. Options need not be preceded by - (though they may be). The exception to this rule is laptop.
  • Jak użyć taskset przykłady or set the processor affinity mask of either an existing process, given its PID, or to run a new a process, given its command name, with a specified affinity mask. The Linux nie działa.
  • Jak użyć tcpd definicja incoming TCP/IP requests (such as those for telnet , ftp , finger , exec , rlogin ). Provide checking and logging services; then pass the request to the appropriate daemon do naprawy.
  • Jak użyć tcpdump encyklopedia Dump headers and packets of network traffic that match expression . The command continues to capture packets until it receives a SIGTERM or SIGINT signal (usually generated by na forum.
  • Jak użyć tcpslice jak działa Reads and manipulates packet capture files created by tcpdump -w . Based on timestamps, extract portions of or piece together files. Display all packets between the given start jak usunąć.
  • Jak użyć tee czy jest Accept output from another command and send it both to standard output and to files (like a T or fork in the road program.
  • Jak użyć telinit pojęcie System administration command. Signal init to change the system's runlevel. telinit is actually just a link to init , the ancestor of all processes faq.
  • Jak użyć telnet wyjaśnienie is the user interface that communicates with another host using the Telnet protocol. If telnet is invoked without host , it enters command mode, indicated by its prompt, telnet> na blogu.
  • Jak użyć telnetd opis protocol server. telnetd is invoked by the Internet server for requests to connect to the Telnet port (port 23 by default). telnetd allocates a pseudo-terminal device for a client w pracy.
  • Jak użyć test informacje if its value is true, return a zero exit status; otherwise, return a nonzero exit status. In shell scripts, you can use the alternate form [expression ] . This command is wytłumaczenie.
  • Jak użyć tftp co znaczy Trivial File Transfer Protocol), which allows users to transfer files to and from a remote machine. The remote host may be specified, and optionally the port , in which case tftp dobry informatyk.
  • Jak użyć tftpd krzyżówka File Transfer Protocol server. in.tftpd is normally started by inetd and operates at the port indicated in the tftp Internet service description in /etc/services . Only publicly na laptopie.
  • Jak użyć time co to jest passing it any arguments , and time the execution. Note that there is also a shell time command, so you might need to specify the full path, usually /usr/bin/time , to run this na dysku.
  • Jak użyć tload słownik Display system load average in graph format. If tty is specified, print it to that terminal programista.
  • Jak użyć tmpwatch czym jest Recursively remove regular files and directories in directory with access times older than hours . Specify the directory as an absolute path. This command is usually invoked by tester.
  • Jak użyć top hasło frequently refreshed) about the most CPU-intensive processes currently running. You do not need to include a - before options. See ps for explanations of the field descriptors komputer.
  • Jak użyć touch co oznacza update the access time and modification time (and dates) to the current time and date. touch is useful in forcing other commands to handle files a certain way; for example, the informatyka.
  • Jak użyć tr tłumaczenie Translate characters. Copy standard input to standard output, substituting characters from string1 to string2 , or deleting characters in string1 plik.
  • Jak użyć tracepath przykłady host and report the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU.) A simplified version of traceroute without options meant for use by unprivileged users. If specified, it will use port to na dysku.
  • Jak użyć traceroute definicja taken by packets to reach network host. traceroute attempts tracing by launching UDP probe packets with a small TTL (time-to-live), then listening for an ICMP time exceeded reply pobierz.
  • Jak użyć troff encyklopedia See groff do pobrania.
  • Jak użyć true jak działa A null command that returns a successful (0) exit status. See also false na komputerze.
  • Jak użyć tset czy jest terminal to be initialized is whichever is found first from the value of terminal , the value of the TERM environment variable, or the default terminal type. See also the reset laptop.
  • Jak użyć tsort pojęcie partially ordered strings in the specified file. Multiple strings on a line are separated by spaces, where each line indicates a partial ordering. The fully ordered results are nie działa.
  • Jak użyć tunelp wyjaśnienie System administration command. Control a line printer's device parameters. Without options, print information about device(s do naprawy.

Wszystkie polecenia konsoli

Wywołanie komendy z linii poleceń. Konsola polecenie.

Linux, Unix, system operacyjny, zastosowanie. Słownik komend, wszystkie polecenia Linux.

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