quotastats quota krzyżówka co to jest
Quotaoff co znaczy quotaon krzyżówka quotacheck co to jest quota słownik quotastats czym jest.
Znaczenie quotastats quota krzyżówka definicja.

Słownik poleceń i lista komend na Q

  • Jak użyć quotastats co znaczy System administration command. Print a report of quota system statistics gathered from the kernel komputer.
  • Jak użyć quota krzyżówka space allowed for a designated user or group. With no argument, the quota for the current user is displayed. Most users can display only their own quota information, but the informatyka.
  • Jak użyć quotacheck co to jest Audit and correct quota information by building a table of current disk usage and comparing it to the recorded usage in both the kernel and the quota files. quotacheck will plik.
  • Jak użyć quotaon słownik Turn on enforcement of filesystem quotas. To work, the filesystems must have a gpquota , quota , or usrquota option listed in the /etc/fstab file. On most filesystems, user and na dysku.
  • Jak użyć quotaoff czym jest System administration command. Turn off enforcement of filesystem quotas. This command is a synonym for quotaon -f pobierz.

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