komenda nameif użycie nameif co to jest
Jak użyć NAMEIF? Definicja w konsoli a network device specified by macaddress , the unique serial.
Znaczenie komenda nameif użycie nameif definicja.

Czy przydatne?

Komenda/polecenie: Jak użyć nameif

Uruchomienie, wykonanie: nameif [options] [name macaddress]

Jak działa NAMEIF, co robi NAMEIF: System administration command. Assign an interface name to a network device specified by macaddress, the unique serial number that identifies a network card. If no name and macaddress are given, nameif will attempt to read addresses from the configuration file /etc/mactab. Each line of the configuration file should contain either a comment beginning with # or an interface name and MAC address

Dostępne opcje, wywołanie NAMEIF: -c filename

Read interface names and MAC addresses from filename instead of /etc/mactab.


Send any error messages to syslog.

Co znaczy :
Porównanie TCP/IP command. Query Internet domain nameservers. nslookup is deprecated; its functionality is replaced by the dig and host commands. nslookup may not be included in some distributions co znaczy.
Krzyżówka :
Dlaczego aliases database, /etc/aliases , after a change. Return 0 on success, or a number greater than 0 if there was an error. newaliases must be run whenever /etc/aliases has been changed for the change to krzyżówka.
Co to jest :
Jak lepiej administration command. Interactively submit dynamic DNS update requests to a nameserver. Use nsupdate to add or remove records from a zone without manually editing the zone file. Commands may be co to jest.
Słownik :
Kiedy administration command. Launch n kernel threads for the Network File System (NFS) kernel module. The threads will handle client filesystem requests. By default, only one thread is launched. Most słownik.
Czym jest :
Od czego zależy Change user's group ID to the specified group. If no group is specified, change to the user's login group. The new group is then used for checking permissions czym jest.

Użycie NAMEIF zastosowanie komendy na linii poleceńw Słownik N .

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