Uruchomienie, wykonanie: make [options] [targets] [macro definitions]
Jak działa MAKE, co robi MAKE: Update one or more targets according to dependency instructions in a description file in the current directory. By default, this file is called makefile or Makefile. Options, targets, and macro definitions can be in any order. Macro definitions are typed as:
For more information on make, see Managing Projects with GNU Make (O'Reilly)
Dostępne opcje, wywołanie MAKE: Print detailed debugging information. Override Makefile macro definitions with environment variables. Use Makefile as the description file; a filename of - denotes standard input. Print options to make command. Ignore command error codes (same as .IGNORE). Attempt to execute this many jobs simultaneously or, if no number is specified, as many jobs as possible. Abandon the current target when it fails, but keep working with unrelated targets. Attempt to keep load below load, which should be a floating-point number. Used with -j. Print commands but don't execute (used for testing). Never remake file or cause other files to be remade on account of it. Print rules and variables in addition to normal execution. Query; return 0 if file is up to date, nonzero otherwise. Do not use default rules. Do not display command lines (same as .SILENT). Touch the target files without remaking them. Show version of make. Display the current working directory before and after execution. Print warning if a macro is used without being defined. cd to directory before beginning make operations. A subsequent -C directive will cause make to attempt to cd into a directory relative to the current working directory. Include directory in list of directories containing included files. Cancel previous -k options. Useful in recursive makes. Behave as though file has been recently updated.
- Co znaczy :
- Porównanie temporary filename for use in a script. The filename is based on the specified template, which may be any filename with at least six Xs appended (e.g., /tmp/mytemp.XXXXXX ). mktemp replaces the Xs co znaczy.
- Krzyżówka :
- Dlaczego file merge, putting the result in file1 . The effect is easiest to understand if file2 is considered the original version of a file, file3 an altered version of file2 , and file1 a later altered krzyżówka.
- Co to jest :
- Jak lepiej Change to the specified directory on an MS-DOS disk. With no directory specified, display the current device and directory. See cd and mtools for more information co to jest.
- Słownik :
- Kiedy System administration command. Format device as a Linux Second Extended Filesystem. You may specify the number of blocks on the device or allow mke2fs to guess słownik.
- Czym jest :
- Od czego zależy System administration command. Format device as an MS-DOS filesystem. You may specify the number of blocks on the device or allow mkdosfs to guess czym jest.
Użycie MAKE zastosowanie komendy na linii poleceńw Słownik M .