komenda readelf użycie co to jest
Jak użyć READELF? Definicja w konsoli Linking Format) object files. At least one option is required.
Znaczenie komenda readelf użycie definicja.

Czy przydatne?

Komenda/polecenie: Jak użyć readelf

Uruchomienie, wykonanie: readelf option[...] elffiles

Jak działa READELF, co robi READELF: Display information about one or more ELF (Executable and Linking Format) object files. At least one option is required to specify the information to be displayed for each file. readelf does not currently work on archive files or 64-bit ELF files

Dostępne opcje, wywołanie READELF: -a, --all

Display all. Equivalent to -A -d -h -I -l -r -s -S -V.

-A, --arch-specific

Display architecture-specific information, if any.

-d, --dynamic

Display the dynamic section.

-D, --use-dynamic

When displaying symbols, use the symbol table in the dynamic section, not the symbols section.

-e, --headers

Display all headers. Equivalent to -h -l -s.

-h, --file-header

Display the ELF header at the beginning of the file.

-H, --help

Display help information and exit.

-I, --histogram

Display a histogram of bucket bit lengths when displaying the symbol tables.

-l, --program-headers, --segments

Display the segment headers, if any.

-n, --notes

Display the NOTE segment, if any.

-r, --relocs

Display the relocation segment, if any.

-s, --symbols, --syms

Display entries in symbol table sections, if any.

-S, --section-headers, --sections

Display the section headers, if any.

-u, --unwind

Display the unwind section, if any (currently applies only to IA64 ELF files).

-v, --version

Display version information and exit.

-V, --version-info

Display the version sections, if any.

-w[option] , --debug-dump[=option]

Display the debug sections. If specified with an option, display only that section. The options shown here in parentheses are for -w; the words preceding them are for --debug-dump. The options are abbrev (a), frames (f), frames-interp (F), info (i), line (l), loc (o), macro (m), pub-names (p), ranges (r) and str (s).

-W, --wide

Don't break output lines at 80 columns. The default is to break them. Useful for wide terminals.

-x num, --hex-dump=num

Display a hexadecimal dump of the section number.

Co znaczy :
Definicja Rename files by replacing the first occurrence of from in each filename with to co znaczy.
Co znaczy :
Definicja Provide information on how long each machine on the local network has been up and which users are logged into each. If a machine has not reported in for 11 minutes, assume it is down. The listing is krzyżówka.
Co znaczy :
Definicja administration command. If invoked with no arguments, show the current root filesystem in /etc/mtab syntax. Otherwise, change the values in the kernel image that specify the RAM disk size (by default co to jest.
Co znaczy :
Definicja or remove entries in the routing tables maintained by routed . route accepts two commands: add , to add a route, and del , to delete a route. The two commands have the following syntax: add [-net słownik.
Co znaczy :
Definicja System administration command. Restore backed up files from a dump archive. Execute this command with one of the following flags czym jest.

Użycie READELF zastosowanie komendy na linii poleceńw Słownik R .

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