A model that specifies the level to which vendor declarations are aggregated during preference processing.
SAP GTS has three preference models: a plant-specific model, a cross-plant model, and a preference model for sales order specific BOMs of configurable materials.
The plant-specific model aggregates the statements in vendor declarations and the preference determination results for the bills of material for one product at plant level applying the worst case principle. The cross-plant model aggregates the statements in vendor declarations and the preference determination results at plant group level applying the worst case principle. For more details it is also possible to aggregate the statements of vendor declarations and preference determination results at plant level. Das Präferenzmodell für die konfigurierbarer Stücklisten ermittelt anhand der Parameter aus der Stücklistenüberleitung die relevante Verdichtungsebene für die LLEs und die Ergebnisse der Präferenzkalkulation. Dabei stehen die Ebene Werk oder Werksgruppe als Verdichtungsebene zur Verfügung. The preference model for configurable BOMs determines the aggregation level for the statements of vendor declarations and the preference determination results based on parameters set for the BOM transfer from the feeder system. The plant-based or cross-plant aggregation level are possible parameters forthe BOM transferSAP przykład użycia PREFERENCE-MODEL pomoc. Jak działa preference-model kod programu ABAP. Wykorzystanie kodu Preference-Model w programie funtion module SE37. Obsługa funkcji preference-model
w klasie.
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