komenda użycie zastosowanie co to jest
Jak użyć AR? Definicja w konsoli archive . Used most commonly to create and update static library.
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Komenda/polecenie: Jak użyć ar

Uruchomienie, wykonanie: ar key [args] [posname] [count] archive [files]

Jak działa AR, co robi AR: Maintain a group of files that are combined into a file archive. Used most commonly to create and update static library files, as used by the link editor (ld). Compiler frontends often call ar automatically. Only one key letter may be used, but each can be combined with additional args (with no separations between). posname is the name of a file in archive. When moving or replacing files, you can specify that they be placed before or after posname. ar has largely been superseded by tar and bzip2

Dostępne opcje, wywołanie AR:

Co znaczy :
Porównanie administration command. apmd handles events reported by the Advanced Power Management BIOS driver. The driver reports on battery level and requests to enter sleep or suspend mode. apmd will log any co znaczy.
Krzyżówka :
Dlaczego Clear, add to, or dump the kernel's Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache (/proc/net/arp ). ARP is used to translate protocol addresses to hardware interface addresses. Modifying your ARP krzyżówka.
Co to jest :
Jak lepiej information about the ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) system, based on the /proc/acpi file. Most kernels after 2.4 support ACPI hardware, and in both hardware and software, ACPI is co to jest.
Słownik :
Kiedy user-space programs about ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) events, such as battery warnings, power-supply changes, and laptop lid closings. As ACPI hardware replaces older APM słownik.
Czym jest :
Od czego zależy administration command. The Linux version of getty . Set terminal type, modes, speed, and line discipline. agetty is invoked by init . It is the second process in the series init-getty-login-shell czym jest.

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